magicaladjective (HAVING IMAGINARY POWER) of, relating to, or having special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible: It’s a story about a timid schoolteacher who obtains magical powers after he’s hit by a lightning bolt. magicaladjective (HAVING A SPECIAL QUALITY) havi...
Having, brought about by, or relating to supernatural powers or magic: fey, magic, talismanic, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgical, theurgic, theurgical, witching, wizardly. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published ...
having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers the child prodigy's musical talent is so spectacular that it seems magical Synonyms & Similar Words magic mystic weird enchanting enchanted numinous marvellous amazing charming divining occult awesome miraculous extraordinary marvelous ...
The adjective magic is applied more commonly to the powers, influences, or practices, while magical is more frequently used of the effects of magic; we speak of magic arts, a magic wand, but of magical effect, a magical result; the magic art of Circe produced magical transformations of her...
C. having spun D. to have spun 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单项选择] Photos aremagicalin that they can have us seeing moments from the past they were frozen in time. A. when B. in case C. unless D. as if 免费查看参考答案及解析 ...
Referred to as the primordial animus and life itself, magical energy is the source that powers all forms of magecraft. Analogous to gasoline, it is an essential element for the invocation of spells.[1][2] There have been many names for magical energy depending on the culture.[2] ...
Follow-Up Just FYI, I was trying to get Bing Image Creator to show me some magical girls celebrating Thanksgiving, and this popped out. I like how it seems to have confused her Moon Stick with an orange on a fork, or maybe some unholy fusion of an orange and a stemmed wine glass. ...
Elemental has been designed with the aim of having no strings attached. There are no dependencies on external libraries or frameworks. The aim is to give the developers a genuine sense of control—an open door to independently explore and understand the magical stuff that powers the framework. ...
Onikuma have no special powers other than walking on their hind legs like humans, and being exceptionally strong. Legends say an onikuma can move rocks that 10 men together can’t push. There are still some rocks in odd places around Nagano prefecture that are rumored to have been put there...
Unlike many shoot ’em ups,The Knight Witchis story-first. After years of using and abusing the planet, the ruling class faced an uprising lead by The Knight Witches, an elite task force that had consumed Gaia’s tears and been granted special powers like flight and the ability to cast ...