Weapon —— Damage: Force Ammunition, +1Uncommon Weapon —— Bonus: Magic, Damage Ammunition, +2Rare Weapon —— Bonus: Magic, Damage Ammunition, +3Very Rare Weapon —— Bonus: Magic, Damage Amulet of HealthRare Wondrous Item Required ...
Duration:Concentration, up to 1 hour You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls. At higher level When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the bonus increases to +...
• A low magic D&D world is a D&D world with a small economy. This is reflected in the fact that monster treasure hordes do not often go beyond the CR 5 range; PCs simply do not need and will not have lots of money to buy things with. The DM should thus reflect this, by making...
Misc ideas: soul destroyers like blackrazor An oath weapon like the oathbow Protection from his main mode of attack like a ring of resistance Last edited by Solarsyphon: Aug 31, 2023 #6 Aug 31, 2023 6thLyranGuard View User Profile View Posts Send Message Adventurer Location:...
Call me crazy, but I prefer the idea that magic should be a scalpel and not a nuclear weapon. I want to think of a level 20 wizard and a level 20 fighter being roughly equivalent in power, just going about what they're doing in different ways. but then - my games tend to be ...
Another change to the breath weapon is around damage. In the PHB, the damage is 2d6 damage on a failed saving throw and half that on a successful saving throw, versus 1d10 + character level on a failed and half of a successful. This change makes the damage swingier since it’s just...