这款便携式扫描器名为Vupoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner,型号为PDSWF-ST44-VP,提供黑色可选。其采用高速彩色接触式图像传感器,具备三种分辨率模式:低300 DPI(默认)、中600 DPI和高900 DPI,以适应不同的扫描需求。它支持microSD卡存储,最大容量可达32GB,扫描生成的文件格式包括JPG和PDF。扫描...
A MAGIC WAND SCANNER.The article evaluates the pen scanner DocuPen RC800a from Planon Systems Solutions Inc. and offers information on its features including 8MB of transflash memory.StoneM.DavidPC Magazine
Magic wand photo documents pictures 600dpi 1050dpi Flat scanning Portable scanner. Software development kit (SDK) available. 1-year warranty. A4 size.| Alibaba.com
- id: bluetooth_feature_legacy_scanner - id: bluetooth_feature_sm - id: bluetooth_feature_system - id: rail_util_pti - id: component_catalog - id: mpu - id: app_assert - id: app_log - id: printf - id: simple_button instance: [btn0] define: - name: DEBUG_EFM - name: T...
产品介绍:需要扫描复习资料的童鞋们不要总跑图书馆了!这款手持扫描器轻便易于携带, 放在书包里就行。 像素也很高, 扫描出来的图像非常清晰!输出格式是JPEG 小贴士:Amazon Prime帐号可以免费尝试一个月,可以获得绝大多数商品免费两天邮寄(没有购买金额限制),无限制观看众多网上电影和电视节目, 免费借阅Kindle书。 免费...
to import an image from a scanner device. GraphicsMagick requires Sam Leffler's TIFF software available via anonymous FTP at ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/libtiff/ or via HTTP at http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/ to read the TIFF image format. It in turn optionally requires the JPEG and...
Vupoint Magic Wand P来自ortable Scanner是一款由Vupoint公司研发生产的的便携式Wifi传输扫描充处是又剧农并仪。它采 Vupoint M玉内头正倒级斤比即船极agic Wand Portable Scanner用棒条状造型设计,将其对准图像轻轻一扫,你要的内容就扫描下来了。不管是彩色的还是黑白的都可以轻松搞定,还可以支持保存到存储卡中...