"Magic Tree House" is a children's book series created by American author Mary Pope Osborne. The first book, titled "Dinosaurs Before Dark," tells the story of two children, Annie and Jack, who discover a magical book i...
故事梗概 Story Summary Jack and Annie are sent to the Ice Age as they look for the third special thing they need to help Morgan. They run into a sabertooth tiger and receive help from a woolly mammoth and a sorcerer. 杰克和安妮被送到冰河时代,他们需要第三件特殊的东西来帮助摩根。他们遇到...
所属专辑:Magic tree house 音频列表 1 summary MTH3 chapter6-7 42 2024-10 2 summary MTH3 chapter4~5 24 2024-09 3 lesson22:MTH3 chapter4-5 41 2024-09 4 sunmary MTH2-2 chapter 8 46 2024-09 5 lesson21: MTH2~2 chapter 7-8 ...
able to feel their way through the pitch dark to another set of stairs, but they can’t push the door open. Then they hear the meowing of the black cat, and they follow the familiar sound to a tunnel that leads them out of the pyramid and into daylight, where the tree house waits....
Let’s dive into the captivating world of theMagic Tree Houseseries. Plot Summary The story begins with the main characters, Jack and Annie, exploring the magical woods near their house. While walking, they stumble upon a peculiar tree house filled with books. As they enter, they discover ...
Summary: Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back to the Wild West, where they experience excitement and danger and try to solve a riddle. Excerpt/First Sentence(s): Jack and Annie were sitting on the porch of their house.
Magic Tree House SeriesBook #15 of 33 Author:Mary Pope Osborne Illustrator:Sal Murdocca Book Info Editions & Prices Published on August 11, 1998 Age Group: 6 - 9 years Reading Level:AR: 3.3 (1.0 Point, Quiz #24935) GLE: 2.3 F&P/GRL: M ...
所属专辑:Magic tree house. Merlin 猜你喜欢 1044 The Merlin Conspiracy by:ShawnMom 5296 11:11 by:华语音乐 45 11 by:岸山 59 11 by:听友521514658 9.7万 11 by:灵雨梦 2.3万 11期 by:Cathy英语课堂 2006 11月 by:启唯思幼儿园浑南园
Magic Tree House: #1-28 [Magic Tree House Library]Downloads:9459 Type:Epub+TxT+PDF+Mobi Create Date:2022-07-22 06:54:36 Update Date:2025-01-08 Status:finish Author:Mary Pope Osborne ISBN:0375849912 Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle Download Summary Offers Jack and Annie's first ...
中小学Magic Tree House 02 The Knight at Dawn 公开课.pdf,Here’s what kids have to say to Mary Pope Osborne, author of the Magic Tree House series: WOW! You have an imagination like no other.—Adam W. I love y our books. If y ou stop writing books, it wil