1、下载最新的驱动 https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad/releases (选择 “Drivers-amd64-ReleaseSigned.zip”) 2、解压之后选择AmtPtpDevice.inf 右键安装 3、打开 设置 - 设备找到 触控板 然后就可以配置你的触控板的操作,包括三指、四指的操作。 如图: ps:此驱动目前已经支持...
声明:该驱动源于Git上一位开源作者原地址——Releases · imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad (github.com)发布于 2023-02-21 15:50・IP 属地浙江 Windows 11 妙控板 驱动程序 赞同2914 条评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载
下载最新的驱动https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad/releases (选择 "Drivers-amd64-ReleaseSigned.zip") 解压 选择AmtPtpDevice.inf> 右键安装 打开 设置 - 设备 找到 触控板 在这里你可以配置你的触控板的操作,包括三指、四指的操作。 目前已经支持蓝牙了,恭喜,撒花。这个驱动也是程序员为了解决...
官网下载 https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad/releases
官网下载 https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad/releases
当然使用场景不只于此,上边是我用触摸板最多的场景 驱动: 有可能需要安装驱动,点击下边的链接下载,无法打开的话,你懂的 https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad/releases 220421是这个版本 解压安装驱动 然后就能用了 连接方式: USB,PC没蓝牙,所以没试。
This project implements Windows Precision Touchpad Protocol for Apple MacBook family/Magic Trackpad 2 on Windows 10. Both USB (traditional and T2), SPI and Bluetooth trackpads are supported. Donation? A few people asked me why I removed donation. My current financial situation doesn't require ...
The user input device 466 (shown in FIG. 4) may be an embodiment of a totem, which may include a trackpad, a touchpad, a trigger, a joystick, a trackball, a rocker or virtual switch, a mouse, a keyboard, a multi-degree-of-freedom controller, or another physical input device. A ...
Magic Trackpad 2 妙控板到手了,测试了一下在 Windows 上的兼容性。用了3个驱动:1、MagicUtilities;2、ExtraMagic;3、Mac Precision Touchpad。→ 前两个是收费的,最后一个是免费的,均支持有线/蓝牙连接。→ 前两个驱动在鼠标移动的顺滑度上都比较好(MagicUtilities最好),第三个稍差一点。
In the Touchpad Gesture section, select the number of fingers and the gesture from the dropdown menus. In the Assigned Action section, click the dropdown menu and select the action you want to trigger with this gesture. Your custom gesture is now set up. ...