MTG Arenafollows the same rules as the tabletop card game. Players use decks of cards that generate five colors of mana, and play cards that consume mana to call for creatures, cast defensive and offensive spells, and activate effects or unique abilities. Complete the tutorial, build your prof...
Complete the tutorial, build your profile and start playing MTG Arena! Pick A Play Mode Customize Your Profile Choose Your Deck STANDARD FORMAT Perfect for new players, this will get you familiar with a format used at events of all levels. Standard is a dynamic format where you build ...
Ok so while I am still NEW to MtG: Arena I (MagicA), I've been playing for a few days... TBH it's really NOT what I thought the experience would be. I decided to play the Tutorial and NEEDED HELP to defeat "Nick Bolas" because I could not AND STILL NOT understand how waiting ...
Magic: The Gathering Arena’s tutorial system takes you through the playstyles so you can find your strategy and decide if you’re the type to overwhelm your opponent with brute strength, if subterfuge is more your style, or anything in between. Meet characters from around the multiverse and...
Magic: The Gathering is a trading card game where players build a unique deck and go head-to-head, summoning creatures and slinging spells until someone is eliminated. While its combos can get complex, learninghow to play Magic: The Gatheringdoesn’t have to be. This beginner-friendly guide...
Magic: The Gathering Arena is a free-to-play digital version of the popular trading card game. Players can build and customize their decks, explore different planes of existence, and battle against friends or AI opponents online. New players are guided through the game with a tutorial system ...
The Gathering Arena players can jump right into Quick and Competitive Play using one of the five carefully crafted pre-built decks earned in the tutorial and can customize their own decks from an expansive library of current Magic cards. The game is free to download and lets players battle for...
Ok so while I am still NEW to MtG: Arena I (MagicA), I've been playing for a few days... TBH it's really NOT what I thought the experience would be. I decided to play the Tutorial and NEEDED HELP to defeat "Nick Bolas" because I could not AND STILL NOT understand how waiting...
Magic: The Gathering Arena’s tutorial system takes you through the playstyles so you can find your strategy and decide if you’re the type to overwhelm your opponent with brute strength, if subterfuge is more your style, or anything in between. Meet characters from around the multiverse and...
PlayingMagic: The Gathering Arena When you first download and launch MTG Arena, it will make you play through the tutorial. There is no option to skip it, so be prepared to play through a few games. After setting up your account name and selecting a Planeswalker as your avatar, you’ll...