Card Text: 当专家级保险箱进战场时,牌面朝下地放逐你牌库顶的两张牌。 ,:你和目标对手各私下选择1,2或3。然后展示选择结果。如果结果相符,则牺牲专家级保险箱并将所有以它放逐的牌置于其拥有者手上。若否,则牌面朝下地放逐你的牌库顶牌。 Expansion: Magic The Gathering—Fallout Rarity: Uncommon ...
III — 将两张以13号避难所放逐的牌在其拥有者操控下移回战场,其余则置于其拥有者的牌库底。 Expansion: Magic The Gathering—Fallout Rarity: Rare Card Number: 26 Artist: Gaboleps Language: Chinese Simplified Rulings 2024/3/8 If Vault 13 leaves the battlefield before its first chapter ...
Magic: The Gathering has been around for many years, with many card sets being published since its release. Each card has a price based on its rarity. Common cards are easy to obtain and usually don’t cost more than a few dollars. Rare cards don’t have as many copies and can go f...
Card type:Every Magic card has a type which determines its role in the game. The Bone Dragon is a creature you can summon to protect yourself and attack your opponent. Card subtype:This further defines the characteristics of a card. You can see that here we’re dealing with a creature th...
It also tells you the rarity of the card. Gold stands for rare, silver for uncommon, and a black expansion symbol means it's a common card. So, based on that you know our Colossus friend here comes from the Ninth Edition core set (the symbol), and that he's a rare card (the ...
1 card of any rarity from the New-to-Modern list appears in eachModern Horizons 3pack and limited pack, replacing a common slot. Uncommons in this slot can upgrade to rares at approximately 1:4. Rares in this slot upgrade to mythics at a rate of approximately 1:10. 1 Common inModern ...
Progenitus is a 10/10 card, and it is described as a Mythic Rarity. With a 10 mana cost it will be cast to become one of the most powerful on any battlefield without a doubt, and offers a particular ability that no other card can offer; it will come back to the owner’s library...
While Magic: The Gathering is known for being an expensive card game, its newest online game, Magic: The Gathering Arena, is a lot more friendly to your wallet. Everything from getting cards and building decks has never been easier than it is in Arena. Of course, you can buy whatever...
though there is one blue and one green card with the ability in the set, as well. There’s not a ton to say about the mechanic overall, though their value can certainly go up if included in a deck with ample artifact and/or equipment synergies (more on that in the “Archetypes” sec...
Magic: The Gathering Arena, also called MTG Arena, Magic Arena, and MTGA, is a digital Magic: The Gathering game, created under the umbrella of Magic Digital Next by the Digital Games Studio of Wizards of the Coast. Though it was stated that it was not c