MAGIC Las Vegas是1933年开办,至今已90年,是美国最大的fashion tradeshow展会,也是全球最具影响力的服装盛会之一,在拉斯维加斯,纽约,田纳西,迈阿密等地都有展会,每年一到两次。MAGIC Las Vegas,拥有业内最多的潮流、年轻现代、现代运动服、服装、鞋类和配饰品牌,参加展会可以获悉当季及下一季度的时尚潮流趋...
美国拉斯维加斯服装面料鞋包展magic showsourcing at magic展览时间:一年两届 2月/8月 常年举办2025年2月10-12日展览面积: 12.0万㎡展商数量: 3500观众数量: 6.4万人举办展馆:las vegas conventioncenter(3150 paradise road las vegas, nv89109 usa)主办方:advanstarcommunications、美国鞋业协会wsa、英富曼集团组...
MAGIC Las Vegas是1933年开办,至今已90年,是美国最大的fashion tradeshow展会,也是全球最具影响力的服装盛会之一,在拉斯维加斯,纽约,田纳西,迈阿密等地都有展会,每年一到两次。MAGIC Las Vegas,拥有业内最多的潮流、年轻现代、现代运动服、服装、鞋类和配饰品牌,参加展会可以获悉当季及下一季度的时尚潮流趋势,展会...
拉斯维加斯服装展,全称为美国拉斯维加斯国际服装服饰博览会(MAGIC SHOW),是全球历史最悠久、规模最大的服装及面料展览会之一。以下是对该展会的详细介绍: 一、基本信息 展会名称:美国拉斯维加斯国际服装服饰博览会(MAGIC SHOW) 举办地点:美国拉斯维加斯国际会议中心(LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER) 举办周期:一年两届...
MAGIC Las Vegas is a high-energy fashion experience and home to the largest selection of trend, young contemporary, modern sportswear, footwear, and accessories brands in the industry. MAGIC Show推荐理由: ①该展覆盖整个美洲市场,其规模大、影响力强、观众数量多。该展已成为鞋类企业开拓北美市场的重要...
welcome to magic, the global pillar of fashiontradeshows. twice annually, 60,000+ industry insiders meet in las vegas to shop 10 can’t-miss markets,each tailored to a unique look or trend. our comprehensivemarketplace covers the top men’s, women’s, andchildren’s apparel andaccessories,...
MAGIC Show是从服装、鞋类、家纺原料到各类成品及其与之相关产业链配套服务的蕞完整、蕞全面的展览会及交易平台。它是吸引全球媒体关注的服装、服饰、面辅料、鞋类和家纺产业链及其相关蕞新信息的发布中心,也是蕞新潮流时装秀及其产业链市场热⻔话题及主题讲座的盛宴! MAGIC Las Vegas is a high-energy fashion expe...
MAGIC trade show is a highly anticipated event in the fashion industry and it will attract a wide variety of exhibitors from around the globe. The exhibitors will come from different sections of fashion industry and will mainly comprise of manufacturers of casual clothing lines, dress materials, ...
Welcome to MAGIC, the global pillar of fashion tradeshows. Twice annually, 60,000+ industry insiders meet in Las Vegas to shop 10 can’t-miss markets, each tailored to a unique look or trend. Our comprehensive marketplace covers the top men’s, women’s, and children’s apparel and acce...
Magic Las Vegas, an unmissable show for all the fashion addicts!Get 5 free quotes for your next stand Free and without commitment Get your quotes › With 85 years of experience, MAGIC is the world's largest fashion marketplace, comprised of ten unique communities showcasing the latest in ...