Magic Set ..一、下载与安装先打开此网页:下拉到这里Small version是小版本。Full version是全版本。
【更新】Magic ..更新内容:1、取消卡模,代之以模块化的卡片版面。2、自定义怪兽卡片颜色功能开启3、所有颜色怪兽均可成为摇摆怪兽。4、卡片版面为第九期卡模样式。5、取消了大框摇摆怪兽,摇摆怪兽默认小框。欢迎各种吐槽和建
附件 级别:庆典的飨宴 声望:60(lv1) 注册:10-08-21 4(学徒) Reply Post by a275694409 (2017-12-05 01:14): Reply to Reply Post by 漫漫长夜慢慢行 (2017-12-05 00:57) 嗯 刚才发现了忘记切繁体。 已经OK 瞎搞了一张
扩展了命令行批量导出功能:magicseteditor.exe --export "D:\存档.mse-set" "D:\输出文件夹\{card.gamecode}.jpg" 100 44 64【card.gamecode是游戏王的卡密,一般都是,卡牌名字+.jpg】【100是jpg质量100%,默认是100%】【44是输出的宽,64是输出的高,宽和高如果不指定,输出就是样式默认大小】...
Magic Set Editor, or MSE for short, is a program with which you can design your own cards for popular trading card games. MSE can then generate images of those cards that you can print or upload to the internet. Magic Set Editor also has a statistics window that will give useful informa...
导出套牌存档全部卡图:打开命令行magicseteditor.exe --export "存档文件" "D:\文件夹名字\{card.gamecode}.jpg" [质量1-100] [指定宽] [指定高]例如:magicseteditor.exe --export "D:\2.mse-set" "D:\out\{card.gamecode}.jpg" 100 44 64 3楼2022-11-08 15:15 收起回复 啖...
【游戏王MSE·教程】Magic Set Editor 只看楼主收藏回复 sheep_on_line 知名人士 11 谨以此贴,防止我以后忘记怎么用MSE 送TA礼物 1楼2014-07-20 15:59回复 sheep_on_line 知名人士 11 h游戏王tt游戏王p:游戏王//p游戏王游戏王m/s/1gdp游戏王Bhz9以上为下载地址解压密码:No.69 ...
Magic Set Editor (mse.exe). Magic Set Editor (MSE) is a tool with which you can design cards for different trading card game systems (especially...
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Every programmer ever born thinks whatever idea just popped out of their head into their editor is the most generalized, most flexible, most one-size-fits all solution that has ever been conceived. It is three times as difficult to build reusable components as single use components. A reusable...