8.[Readling] The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive(神奇校车之奇妙的蜂巢) 9.[Readling] The Magic School Bus Inside A Hurricane (神奇校车之穿越飓风) 10.[Readling] The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses (神奇校车之探访感觉器官) 11.[Readling] The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor (...
Magic School Bus Explores the Senses, TheStansberry, PatriciaChildhood Education
《The Magic School Bus Comes To It's Senses》是Scholastic出版的图书,作者是Earhart, Kristin 内容简介 The magic school bus is a great way to introduce children to science concepts in a fun, easy manner. In this book Mrs. Frizzle and her students explore their five senses. The illustrations ...
The magic school buscomes to its senses(4) 领读 十一老师 Slowly but steadily, we become readers. 朗读者 成人/7岁以上英语流利的小朋友朗读 4岁以上小朋友收听 蓝思指数:490L 十一老师朗读音频 senses-4.wav音频:00:0001:42...
The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ JOANNA COLE&BRUCE DEGEN 《The Magic School Bus•Explores the Senses》 Scholastic Inc. 一辆魔法校车,所向披靡,什么地方都能去…… 还是历险,还是一趟丰富的知识之旅。这次,副校长Mr Wilde成了驾驶员,无意中触动了校车上的... 评分☆...
所属专辑:蓝星球英语The Magic School Bus 声音简介 The Magic School Bus《神奇校车》是一套将奇特想象和抽象的科学知识完美融合的科普绘本,情节惊险刺激,语言生动爆笑,对话童稚可爱,知识却清晰严谨,展示了一种新奇的、迷人的、另类的自然科学教育方式。
2. The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses 神奇校车:探访感觉器官 3. The Magic School Bus And The Electric Field Trip 神奇校车:漫游电世界 4. The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge 神奇校巴:气候大挑战 5. The Magic School Bus Inside A Hurricane 神奇校巴:穿越飓风 ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《Magic School Bus Explores the Senses 神奇校车-探索感官世界 9780590446983》,作者:Joanna Cole 著,出版社:Scholastic。最新《Magic School Bus Explores the Senses 神奇校车-探索感官世界 9780590446983》简介、书评、试读、价格、图
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