在故事中,magic word 或 magic subject 代表有特殊力量,使用者能实现不可能的事物,如 a book of magic spells 或 a magic sword。magic 还描述与娱乐技巧相关的技能,如 His best magic which is sawing a lady in half. 表示她最擅长的魔术是把一位女士锯成两半。此外,magic 也用来形容非常...
sawingamanmagic 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2024-08-20 21:24:57上线。视频内容简介:sawingamanmagic
His bestmagic trickis sawing a lady in half. 他最拿手的魔术是把一位女士锯成两半。 3. 【释义】 magic number / word,a number or word that is particularly important or desired in a particular situation 神秘的数字/字眼: 【例句】 The magic words 'a million pounds' will get everyone's atten...
会员专享 (3/3) 自动连播 4.3万播放 简介 订阅合集 GF Magic - 永遠的斷頭幻術 - Pate No 1 - Always - HeadOff Illusion 06:05 GF Magic - 魔鏡幻術 - Magic Mirror - Sawing Women Half Illusion 10:45 GF Magic - 聖誕特輯 Christmas Special 15:01 ...
P.T.Selbit首次表演了人体两分(Sawing in half),如今,这是舞台魔术的一个标志 1926年 在万圣节前夜的下午1点26分,Harry Houdini去世。 可在培根魔术店购买 1949年 Jean Hugard和Fred Braue出版了《Royal Road to Card Magic》,至今仍被认为是学习纸牌的首选书籍 ...
12 #short - 079 - Hans Klok - Sawing Women In Half 03:41 #short - 080 - The Big Big Talent Show - 1997 - Head off women 02:17 #short - 081 - The Magic Comedy Strip - 1992 - Rudy Coby - Cut in three 02:02 #short - 082 - The World's Most Dangerous Magic II - 1999 -...
magic2●●●S3W3adjective1[only before noun]instories, a magicwordorobjecthas special powers that make the person using itableto do impossible thingsa book ofmagic spellsa magic sword2relatingto the skill of doing tricks to entertain peopleHis bestmagic trickis sawing a lady in half.3→magic...
2a special,attractive, orexcitingqualityParis haslostsome of itsmagicfor me over the years.magic ofthe magic of Christmas 3theskillof doingtricksthat look likemagicin order toentertainpeople, or the tricks that are doneSYNconjuring 4→like magic/as if by magic ...
11:57 magic HappyDustin 0 5年前 00:52 [T:TIME] YEONJUN TXT_OFFICIAL 0 5年前 01:41 Moving Sword Thr HappyDustin 0 5年前 04:22 Magic sawing 201 superYamato112 0 5年前 35:08 剑神Swordlace by MagiChien 0 4年前 03:04 David Seebach's HappyDustin 0 4年前 1...
22:54 Nick Norton Magi HappyDustin 0 5年前 11:57 magic HappyDustin 0 5年前 00:52 [T:TIME] YEONJUN TXT_OFFICIAL 0 5年前 01:41 Moving Sword Thr HappyDustin 0 5年前 04:22 Magic sawing 201 superYamato112 0 5年前 35:08 剑神Swordlace by MagiChien 0 4年前 1...