到2026 年,SD-WAN 产品中嵌入的生成式人工智能技术将用于 20% 的初始网络配置,而 2023 年该数字几乎为零。 市场定义/描述 Gartner 将 SD-WAN 产品定义为主要用于将分支机构位置连接到其他企业和云位置。SD-WAN 产品提供基于业务或应用程序策略、路由、集中策略编排和设备管理、虚拟专用网络 (VPN) 和零接触配置的...
微軟很榮幸被譽為首屆 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ 桌面平台即服務 (DaaS) 的領先廠商。Gartner 將 DaaS 定義為「由公有雲或服務提供商提供虛擬桌面」,並使用 DaaS 一詞去涵蓋各種雲端解決方案,如 Windows 365 和 Azure 虛擬桌面,以客戶熟悉的方式讓不同背景與技術專長的專家所了解。我們很自豪這些服務在產品生命週...
Gartner, Magic Quadrant für Application Performance Monitoring und Observability, Padraig Byrne, Gregg Siegfried, Mrudula Bangera, 7. Juni 2022 Gartner spricht keine Empfehlung für in seinen Marktforschungspublikationen erwähnte Anbieter, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen aus und rät Technologieanwender...
[Shenzhen, China, January 12, 2023] Recently, Gartner, a global IT research and consulting firm, released the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls report1. Huawei has been listed for ten consecutive years in this report and named as a Challenger for six consecutive years. As Huawei's fl...
Gartner’s interactive Magic Quadrant features enable you to create a view of the Magic Quadrant to reflect your own business goals, needs and priorities. Most significantly the interactive features enable you to adjust the weightings applied to each of the evaluation criteria to generate a new, ...
Gartner 魔力象限:应用程序安全测试 2023 Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing 发布于 2023 年 5 月 17 日 回到顶部 魔力象限 现代应用程序设计、向云的转变以及 DevSecOps 的加速采用正在扩大 AST 市场的范围。通过在软件生命周期中集成和自动化 AST,安全和风险管理领导者可以满足更紧迫的期限并测试更复...
The Gartner RPA Magic Quadrant for 2023 has finally been released. Offering an insight into the major players of the evolving Robotic Process Automation space, this detailed report is designed to assist companies in choosing the ideal vendors for their needs. ...
As new use cases for network firewalls evolve, traditional firewall vendors are acquiring or developing offerings to fulfill them, and use-case-specific vendors are emerging. This Magic Quadrant assesses 19 providers to help you make the right choice for your organization’s needs. Included in Ful...
Gartner, 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS), Lisa Unden-Farboud, Daniel O’Connell, Brian Doherty, and Ajit Patankar – 20 September 2023 Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not...
GARTNER 為 Gartner 在美國及國際的註冊商標和服務標章,而 Magic Quadrant 是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其附屬公司在美國及國際的註冊商標,兩者經許可在此使用。保留所有權利。 關於Tableau Tableau 協助使用者將資料轉化為可據以採取行動的深入分析。透過視覺化分析探索無限可能。只要按幾下滑鼠,就可以建立儀表板並執行...