”“Duke's magic mouthwash,” or “Mary's magic mouthwash,” is commonly used to prevent or treat oral mucositis. These are often compounded by a pharmacy, are expensive andmay not be covered by health insurance.
Magic mouthwash differs from your regular mouthwash for one main reason — you need a prescription to get it. It may also have antibacterial,anesthetic, or antifungal ingredients in it, to name a few. Those aren't your typical over-the-counter mouthwashes that are used to freshen your bre...
1. There are lots of recipes for “magic” mouthwash. The prescription ones include other ingredients like lidocaine, dexamethasone or nystatin. YES they might work for some even better than this simple recipe, but these harsh drugs can’t be swallowed by children under 6, and a few who co...
Nellie plopped sitting in the sand unencumbered by adult fussing, or with a popsicle in her mouth, is Nellie in heaven. Following each beach outing she was in need of a serious rinse when we arrived home to wash away all the fine grains from every skin fold and crevice where they could...
you just sweat. It's magical.I do think it can feel a little tight when first sprayed. I noticed that the first few times in particular, but not so much now and after a few minutes I don't notice it. Anyways, if you dance or exercise and can't wash your face beforehand, try ...