Magic mouthwash differs from your regular mouthwash for one main reason — you need a prescription to get it. It may also have antibacterial,anesthetic, or antifungal ingredients in it, to name a few. Those aren't your typical over-the-counter mouthwashes that are used to freshen your bre...
”“Duke's magic mouthwash,” or “Mary's magic mouthwash,” is commonly used to prevent or treat oral mucositis. These are often compounded by a pharmacy, are expensive andmay not be covered by health insurance.
Magic mouthwash is a treatment that may alleviate mouth sores caused by chemotherapy & reduce the effects of oral mucositis. Find out more about it, here.
1. There are lots of recipes for “magic” mouthwash. The prescription ones include other ingredients like lidocaine, dexamethasone or nystatin. YES they might work for some even better than this simple recipe, but these harsh drugs can’t be swallowed by children under 6, and a few who co...
I had a bad case of mouth blisters and sores while I was in Europe last year. I went to the doctor and asked for a magic mouthwash prescription. He had no idea what I was talking about! He thought it was a mouthwash brand.
etc. but nothing seemed to be working and then I saw a review of this scrub on TikTok and decided to try it. I shower every morning and take about a fingertip full of the scrub and gently rub it over my chest and shoulders then wash it off, andafter a couple of weeks my skin was...