苹果鼠标magic mouse在戴尔电脑Windows10系统上使用滚轮的方法 1) 从GitHub. https://github.com/timsutton/brigadier/releases下载Brigadier.exe2) 打开“命令提示符”窗口,转到包含Brigadier.exe的文件夹 3) 输入brigadier.exe -m MacBookPro14,1 回… miaolz 在搭载 Windows 操作系统的计算机上使用 Apple Magic ...
在Windows下使用Magic Mouse首先要安装上述驱动,上述驱动包含在Apple发布的Bootcamp软件包中,下载了最新版本的Bootcamp软件后用7zip打开这个软件包,可以找到相应的自解压格式驱动安装包,请参考How To: Use the Apple Magic Mouse on Windows10。需要注意的是不同版本的Bootcamp里面驱动安装包的名称和路径有...
popular choice among Apple users, there are a lot of Windows users who also use it. But many users get clueless when setting up the magic mouse on Windows for the first time. Hence, to help you, we have created an in-depth guide tosetting up and using Magic Mouse on Windows 11/10....
Windows 10添加到苹果蓝牙鼠标Apple Magic Mouse详解 使用普通的PC机添加苹果蓝牙鼠标时,系统总是提示"...输入PIN..."。升级驱动,卸载蓝牙,各种折腾,还是不行。 只好用英文搜答案,发现有一款 Magic Utilities,抱着试试看的态度,下载并安装了,然后再次添加蓝牙设备,这次竟然可以了,虽然仍然提示“输入PIN”,但我输入...
正常使用:首先打开鼠标后的开关,打开电脑蓝牙适配器,找到Apple Wireless Mouse的蓝牙进行配对,很快电脑就配对成功,并且Windows10通知正在下载驱动,下载完成后我以为可以正常使用了,但是,不能用滚动!!!Magic Mouse最好用的滚动功能,居然不能用!!! 问题一定出现在驱动上,于是我查询了下Apple有关驱动,被我找到了。
Pinewood651 wrote: How can i use magic mouse on windows 11, as it does connect but scrolling is not wokring. Are you using the mouse with a Windows machine? Or do you have Windows 11 on your Mac? Reply of 1 how can i use magic mouse on windows?Welcome...
✅ mouse drive for apple Magic Mouse 2 on windows 10:I need a mouse driver for Windows 10 64 bit operating under Mac Boot Camp 6.1.0...
Windows系统 点击“开始”菜单。 选择“设置”图标(齿轮形状)。 点击“设备”,然后选择“蓝牙和其他设备”选项。 确保蓝牙开关处于开启状态。 将Magic Mouse底部的开关切换到“ON”位置,您将看到鼠标上的指示灯闪烁,表示鼠标处于可配对状态。 在电脑的蓝牙设置中,您应该能看到“Magic Mouse”出现在可用设备列表中。点...
2) Open cmd prompt on windows and go to the folder containing Brigadier.exe. 3) Type brigadier.exe -m MacBookPro14,1 -This will run the python script and download the bootcamp software that works. Note, I tried passing latest MacBookPro15,1 as argument but that didn't work. Nor Ma...
If Magic Mouse is not working on Windows 11/10, you can use these fixes to make your Magic Mouse compatible or run smoothly with your PC: Restart Your PC & Magic Mouse Make sure your Magic mouse is in range Check the batteries