So I restarted the computer and immediately opened the device manager, now under Mouse I see two devices, one is the trackpad and the other is the mouse. So I tried to update the driver using the driver from the bootcamp folder \BootCamp\Drivers\Apple\AppleWirelessMouse64.exe but this also...
需要注意的是不同版本的Bootcamp里面驱动安装包的名称和路径有点不同,可以在解压缩出来的文件夹中用关键字“WirelessMouse”之类进行搜索。 安装完驱动之后,首先用蓝牙设备连接向导连接Apple Magic Mouse,系统会自动找到相应的驱动程序,在Magic Mouse上面还有一个设备(其实就是Magic Mouse背上的触摸部分),Windows会把它...
终极滚动解决方案 如果你渴望最流畅的滚动体验,不妨试试X-Mouse Button Control。通过下载并安装这个程序,按照下图所示的设置,只需勾选"Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor",轻轻一点,你的Magic Mouse就将在Windows 10上实现无缝滚动,畅享无阻的操作。额外提示 别忘了,X-Mouse Button ...
17Macpro用bootcamp装了双系统之后 magic mouse在macOS能用,在win10下显示的已连接但是没反应,该怎么解决?!求大神指教 二世祖 Mac初识 1 1 二世祖 Mac初识 1 1 mg5lz1 Mac初识 1 想在win下使用必须在mac删除蓝牙连接; 小小小周31 Mac初识 1 楼主 你的win10能联网吗 小小小周31 Mac初识 1 ...
The above methods should help you fix the Magic mouse not working on Windows 11/10 error. The error mainly occurs because of an incompatible driver. So installing Bootcamp on your Windows will help you get rid of it. Alternatively, you can try using Magic Mouse Utilities, a paid third-part...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1837?locale=en_US it still isn't working. My device is...
Issue 7: Magic Mouse Not Scrolling on Windows 10 You’ll need to install some drivers to make it work. If you installed Windows 10 via BootCamp on your Mac, Apple offers Boot Camp Support Software (Windows drivers)available here. Click the blue button to download the drivers (882 MB in ...
我的apple magic mouse用在int nuc上也出现和楼主相同问题,要求输入密码,无解。。。