首先,准备硬件,即 Apple Magic Mouse。接着,准备软件,通过解压缩 Boot Camp,定位到 BootCamp\Drivers\Apple,运行 AppleWirelessMouse64.exe。如果需要使用 Apple USB SuperDrive,可一并运行 AppleODDInstaller64.exe。随后,按照提示完成驱动程序的安装,建议在安装完成后重启计算机,以确保驱动程序正常工作。
Download Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5769 这是苹果官方的驱动程序,解压后文件定位到BootCamp\Drivers\Apple\AppleWirelessMouse64。按照傻瓜式的安装步骤,安装完成后,Magic Mouse便可以正常使用了。对于更高级的用户,Magic Utilities这款软件可以让鼠标的使用更加平滑,滚动更加自然。虽然需要付费,但提...
Note, I tried passing latest MacBookPro15,1 as argument but that didn't work. Nor MacbookPro12,1. 4) After download is complete, go to BootCamp-091-07726\BootCamp\Drivers\Apple. Run AppleWirelessMouse64 and you are done. 发布于 2019-12-06 20:42 妙控鼠标 苹果鼠标 (Magic Mouse) ...
下载地址:Mouse-Utilities-Setup-11.exe 来源:Magic Tools for Windows X-Mouse Button Control(可选) 下载地址:XMouseButtonControlSetup.2.6.2.exe 来源:X-Mouse Button Control 安装驱动程序 解压缩 Boot Camp,定位到 BootCamp\Drivers\Apple,运行 AppleWirelessMouse64.exe。(注:如果也需要使用 Apple USB SuperDri...
找到解压后的相对路径BootCamp\Drivers\Apple里的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe以管理员账号运行,用户账户控制功能可能询问“你要允许来自未知发布者的此应用对你的设备进行更改吗?”,此时点“是”确定继续安装完这个驱动程序。 以管理员账号安装下载到的MagicMouse.exe,注意点下一步Next按钮两下后的界面要进行一个选择,指明...
经过一番查找,我找到了问题的关键——苹果官方驱动Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5769。解压驱动文件,将AppleWirelessMouse64目录下的内容安装到BootCamp\Drivers\Apple中,一切似乎有了转机。随着驱动的正确安装,Magic Mouse的滚动功能终于重获新生。进阶玩家的秘籍 对于追求极致体验的用户,Magic Utilities...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1837?locale=en_US it still isn't working. My device is...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1837?locale=en_US it still isn't working. My device ...
Unzip the downloaded file, then go toBootCamp>Drivers>Apple>AppleWirelessMouse64.exe. Double-click theAppleWirelessMouse64.exefile to run. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the install. Then you can connect your Magic Mouse and it should be working in Windows 10. ...