在之前下载的brigadier.exe同目录下,会产生一个新的文件夹BootCamp-041-89042(可能文件名名称会不太一样),找到其中的BootCamp-041-89042\BootCamp\Drivers\Apple\AppleWirelessMouse64.exe,直接双击安装即可。甚至不需要重启,滚动手势就解锁了。 至此,Magic Mouse 2 on Windows 10完美适配。 参考: HOW TO ENABLE APPLE...
找到解压后的相对路径BootCamp\Drivers\Apple里的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe以管理员账号运行,用户账户控制功能可能询问“你要允许来自未知发布者的此应用对你的设备进行更改吗?”,此时点“是”确定继续安装完这个驱动程序。 以管理员账号安装下载到的MagicMouse.exe,注意点下一步Next按钮两下后的界面要进行一个选择,指明...
由于缺少驱动,它在Windows系统上只能被识别为普通的蓝牙无线鼠标,触控功能无法发挥。日前,苹果终于放出了针对Boot Camp双启动系统的Windows驱动程序——magic mouse驱动更新版,加入了对Magic Mouse的多点触摸支持。 上传者:a6815504时间:2020-02-27 AppleMagicMouse2Drivers.7z...
I am using with W10 BC6 drivers of course. HID Devices are installed. I have paired Magic Mouse and Magic Mouse 2 at the same time on iMac 5k. Magic Mouse work's with scrolling, Magic Mouse doesn't. It need's new drivers, I guess... View in context 68 replies Sort By: Rank ...
Magic Mouse drivers for windows 10 Hi All, Im having a problem with connecting Magic mouse 2 to windows 10.The windows 10 is running on imac boot camp assistant and suddenly it stopped working two week ago. im using wireless keyboard and its working as usual. i have uninstalled and insta...
Option 2 – Download and install Magic Mouse driver automatically If you don’t have the time, patience, or computer skills to update the Magic Mouse driver manually, you can do it automatically withDriver Easy. Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers f...
eliminating the need for drivers. It connects effortlessly via a 2.4G wireless transmission, ensuring a stable connection up to 10 meters away. The mouse's silent operation is a boon for those who work in quiet environments, while the rechargeable lithium battery offers extended usage without the...
Bluetooth Device Drivers 然后是设备驱动部分,注意Special Device Drivers里的Magic Mouse 2模块: -*- Device Drivers ---> [*] HID bus support ---> {*} HID bus core support <*> User-space I/O driver support for HID subsystem <*> General HID driver ...
Windows 10+11 drivers are cross-signed by Microsoft and support UEFI Secure Boot on any PC including all (Intel based) Apple Macs via BootCamp. Bluetooth No more cable clutter. Wireless Bluetooth support forallexternal Apple input devices. ...
magic mouse2在osx上的表现本人不做评论,没用过几回,在win10上的表现太差劲了,特别是对于经常使用代码编辑器的程序员,或者经常使用word、excel之类的工作者,这鼠标简直是煎熬。左右滑动这等高大上的功能,在代码编辑中完全是一锅汤里的老鼠屎,相信用过的都会有体会的。本来你要下拉,却发现它左右...