RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验: 密码:9y3f 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取传感器信息并显示 获取天气、新闻等信息并显示 UI界面绘制魔镜界面绘制 安卓APP 获取备忘录信息并显示 推送使用...
Step 1: Installing MagicMirror² On your Raspberry Pi’s terminal, enter the following: curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/master/installers/raspberry.sh | bash That’s it! You should now have a magic mirror up and running on your Raspberry Pi. If you run ...
RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验:https://sxf1024.lanzous.com/b09rp498d 密码:9y3f 哔哩哔哩视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Be411x7Nq/ 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取传感...
Forum:https://forum.magicmirror.builders Technical discussions:https://forum.magicmirror.builders/category/11/core-system Discord:https://discord.gg/J5BAtvx Blog:https://michaelteeuw.nl/tagged/magicmirror Donations:https://magicmirror.builders/#donate ...
RaspberryPi-MagicMirror 基于树莓派的智能魔镜,支持人脸识别、情感监测、热词唤醒、语音交互,以及与手机APP交互、温湿度/新闻热点/日期等的显示 等 精简demo体验:https://sxf1024.lanzous.com/b09rp498d 密码:9y3f 哔哩哔哩视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Be411x7Nq/ 硬件组装 系统唤醒与亮屏 获取...
MagicMirror2下简称MM2,中文魔镜,主要作用是信息聚合显示以及交互 详情请阅读官方说明 MM2本质上分为后端和前端 后端其实是一个网页服务器,前端是浏览器 官网解释Raspberry Pi 2代以上可以直接安装运行,而0/1没有具体说明 // 0/1因为arm架构原因,node.js不支持,无法安装npm,所以安装比较麻烦,但已经有人在zero上成...
Mike showed magic mirrors originally (https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/magic-mirror/). I had a raspberry pi lying around from a failed project, so I figured why not give it a try… how hard could it be? My mirror shows the time, the weather, the state of my garage door (open or...
Rotate the screen (if you have a portrait oriented mirror): 1. edit /boot/config.txt: 1 sudo nano/boot/config.txt 2. Add the following lines to the config file: 1 2 display_rotate=1 avoid_warnings=1 3. Reboot the Raspberry pi: ...
MagicMirror:树莓派智能镜子 开发技术 - 其它 - MagicMirror:树莓派智能镜子Be**安好 上传3.08 MB 文件格式 zip javascript raspberry-pi magicmirror 魔镜 树莓派智能镜子点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:7 积分 电信网络下载 javascript设计模式【ES5和ES6语法】.zip 2024-11-30 19:05:05 积分:1 ...
How to Make a Magic Mirror: In this project I will show you how I made a Magic Mirror that shows the date, time, some news and a little phrase at the bottom. You will use a Raspberry Pi, a computer screen and a webpage to make it look like you have "a sm