Magic Item Name Rarity Rarity CommonUncommonRareVery RareLegendaryArtifactVariesUnknown Rarity Requires Attunement—YesNo Tags Tags WardingBuffDetectionDamageCommunicationCursedHeadwearInstrumentWilderkithtransmutationDebuffFocusConsumableOuterwearForeknowledgefabledSocialWarmdivinationAbominationsMovementHealingNecklaceSymbioticBa...
most of the items in the DMG are NOT legal to use in the current season. With that being said, it is important to note that players can only trade like-rarity items for other like-rarity items. So players can only trade a rare item for a rare item or a uncommon item for an uncomm...
I like the alchemy jug well enough. My problem with it is it doesn’t go far enough. Each day it dispenses one of 10 liquids, in quantities ranging from 12 gallons (salt water) to 1/2 ounce (poison). But it’s a once-a-day item: if you used it to get a gallon of honey, ...
The same table for Enspelled Armor and Enspelled Staffs also shows the rarity, save DC, and attack bonus for an Enspelled Weapon. Basically, the higher the spell’s level, the rarer the item will be. Executioner’s Axe TheExecutioner’s Axegrants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls ...
Making a magic item as custom is nice. Unfortunately, there is no common items or class but it has all the other standard rarity levels. The writing is great and the free price makes it worth a look. **Note revised review as it is not pointed out but after generation you can “Share...
make-item-shop A node module that generates magic item shops for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Sample Output: ItemTypeRarityCost (gp)Price Variance (for DM)DnDBeyond Link (Guess) Armor, +3 Armor Legendary 55025 10.05% Mithral Armor Armor Uncommon 290 ...
we focused on magic item rarity and the importance of incorporating it into your game. Unfortunately in most games I’ve played in, the players and their PCs have no real appreciation of just how unique magic items are. Take them all away and then watch the party fight over a +1 Sword...
Initially, I was going to compare the current crop of magic lore in 5E to the s$&% from older editions to show you that, even though D&D’s always been pretty crappy on the magic lore front, it used to be a lot better. At least, it used to be a lot more consistent. Hell, the...
D&D 5e Magic Item Generator Knights of Vasteel Designed for iPad 4.4 • 69 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Magwa, the most prestigious scholar of arcane antiquities, has spent his life traveling the Vast Kingdom in search of powerful and fascinating magic...