Medina responded, “I had the opportunity of working at a thriving local haunted house for several seasons, where the operators had installed a small carnival area outside to accommodate the waiting crowds. I also had access to the Haunted House workshop where I was able to build various perf...
The needle tip which had the last cast on stitch on it, and the working yarn, is the needle you will be knitting with. Pull it out, until there is a 8″ loop of cord, then use it to knit the first two stitches of the round together (the extra stitch and the first cast-on stit...
By the way, his Gypsy Yarn is the best ever. It is not the Gypsy Thread of your grandparents or even the dental floss version we used to do. No, it takes the game up to new heights. Dizzying heights. It is expensive but worth every farthing. We have never been disappointed by Mr....
He spun a fascinating yarn then, how he slowly gained the acceptance of the mountain-dwellers, and then their trust, and then betrayed it in subtle, beneficent ways: introducing Free Energy to their greenhouses, then a gengineered crop or two, then curing a couple deaths, slowly inching ...
An example is scrying for a sitter and getting an image of a ball of yarn. The following thought is of the hands being tied or being tied up in something. You relay this image to the sitter and they confirm they've felt particularly busy the past few weeks. ...