"The Magic Flute" is an opera in two acts which premiered in 1791 in Vienna, just two months before Mozart's death. Filled with the composer's glorious music, "The Magic Flute" is one of the greatest and most popular operas ever written. It explores the search for true love and wisdo...
Bernard Shaw considered Mozart’sZAUBERFLOTE,The Magic Flute,to be “the first oratorio of the religion of humanity.” On the other hand, opera historian Gustav Kobbe considers the libretto to theMagic Flute“such a jumble of nonsense that it is as well to endeavor to extract some sense from...
Byline: Bill Gowen Daily Herald Classical Music Critic "The Magic Flute" - Where: Ardis...Gowen, Bill
The Magic Flutewas the first opera I saw as a wide-eyed teenager. Like many others before me I was completely captivated by the story of good and evil and the triumph of love and wisdom. Thirty odd years later it’s spell was cast again in this mystical production at theKing’s Head ...
Byline: Bill GowenSaturday marks the beginning of the end of the 47th season of Lyric Opera of Chicago when, at 7:30 p.m., the curtain goes up on Mozart's "The Magic Flute."This production, one of the best-loved in Lyric's active repertoire, was last seen in the 1996-97 season...
Robinson, Harlow
Jim Edwards