Based on the German fairytale written by Brothers Grimm, ‘Secret Magic Control Agency’ is an English-language Russian computer-animated comedy film directed and written by Aleksey Tsitsilin. The movie is set in a magical fantasy kingdom where the kingdom gets abducted using black magic. Worrie...
This is a fantasy adventure film directed by Sam Raimi. The film is about a magician who is driven out from Kansas and then comes to stay in the land of Oz. People think he is the great wizard who has come to Oz to bring an end to their sufferings, and the magician takes advantage...
Mumfie is my favourite animated series. Once I stumbled upon it, I was completely hooked. The characters are adorable and quirky. They include Pinkey, a flying piglet, a live Scarecrow, a magical Black Cat & a Whale who takes passengers. Mumfie is a special little elephant whose adventurous...
Critics Consensus: Like most modern animated movies, Strange Magic is lovely to look at; unfortunately, there isn't much going on beneath the surface. Reviews Richard Crouse Richard Crouse Takes some simple ideas-beauty is only skin deep and love conquers all-and sprinkles them with fairy dust...
Certain fantasy movies have breathed new life into the genre by re-imagining the rules, themes, and applications of magic. Many of these titles are defined by their unique spin on magic. By redefining how magic works, they impose limitations on the limitless and play on the audience’s expec...
Mana is a form of latent energy with supernatural properties that exists in the universe of the 2010 Disney fantasy movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Though only referred to as electromagnetic energy in the movie, the Nintendo DS video game adaptation of the film mentioned Mana as being the ...
Prosthetic molds, masks, and makeup with an emphasis on the 1994 fantasy/comedy, Cabin Boy. 9.8/10 (9)Rate S1.E2 ∙ Optical Effects: Optical Illusions1994 How optical shots are composited with an emphasis on the 1983 George Lucas film, Return of the Jedi. Rate S1.E3 ∙ Creature Arti...
"Mashle: Magic and Muscles" is a refreshing and humorous take on the magic school genre, blending fantasy with comedy in a unique way. The anime follows Mash Burnedead, a non-magical yet immensely strong boy in a world where magic is everything. His sheer physical strength challenges the ...
Amy Adams stars as Giselle, a Disney-like princess character who leaves her fantasy (and animated) world of Andalasia and enters the real world of New York City. There,she falls in love with a lawyer (Patrick Dempsey)instead of the prince she was supposed to marry. It’s an enchanting,...
The fantasy genre's magic gives movies and TV creative potential that simply can't be matched by the physical punches & kicks of normal fight scenes.