MORE CARDS. MORE STRATEGY. BIGGER STORY. Collect 1,300+ earnable cards, battle in 60+ single-player campaign missions, and emerge victorious in epic online duels.
名称:Magic Duels 类型:免费开玩,策略 开发商:Stainless Games Ltd. 发行商:Wizards of the Coast LLC 发行日期:2015 年 7 月 29 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 注意:Magic Duels 已在 Steam 停售。 评测 “Magic Duels is the best implementation of the Duels of the Planes...
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有人玩《Magic ..我玩斗地主掼蛋炸金花––“你打骂人便罢,何苦摔那命根子!”“姐姐妹妹们都没有,单我有,如今来了个神仙似的妹妹也没有,可知这不是个好东西!”“你妹妹原本是有这东西的……”
STEAMCHARTS An ongoing analysis of Steam's concurrent players.Magic DuelsStore | Hub 57 playing an hour ago 58 24-hour peak 14,544 all-time peak ZoomFromJan 11, 2025ToJan 18, 202512. Jan13. Jan14. Jan15. Jan16. Jan17. Jan18. Jan2016201820202022202405010048h7d1m3m6m1yAll Compare ...
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20 个成就,价值 8.38 分 成就描述获取时间分值属性回报 SoldierWin a game with Gideon’s deck0.21 Mind SculptorWin a game with Jace’s deck0.40 VampireWin a game with Sorin’s deck0.42 Hot ShotWin a game with Chandra’s deck0.45 PredatorWin a game with Garruk’s deck0.35 ...
No new heroes for Duels & Skirmish (+original moral & luck caps) Go to:mod path\MMH7Game\CookedPC\Data Delete (path A) the file Config.upk or replace it with the original one (path B) Important: This step may lead to the loss of some other minor changes as well. ...
The first time you access any objects in the database after opening it takes a lot of time. This is because the data is not yet cached. When the data is cached, the objects are actually retrieved from the cache without database interactions, which is fast. ...