The Magic Bullet whips up chunky salsas, creamy dips, refreshing smoothies, festive cocktails and much more in seconds. Not only is it fast and versatile, it’s also compact. This easy-to-use blender takes up way less countertop space than bulky full-size food processors and blenders, thou...
Meet the magic bullet Mini: the small blender that's ideal for travel yet powerful enough to chop, blend and mix an endless array of dishes.
The Magic Bullet Combo Blender is a small, simple, full-size blender. It comes with a 48oz main jar and a 24oz personal jar for single-serve drinks like smoothies. It has straightforward controls, with only two speed settings and pulse mode. The blades are removable, which helps make cle...
I've only had this blender for 2 days and I can already tell it's not going to last bc of the base. Cleaning is a breeze, but it's really hard to wash the blades without getting water on the base, which I know overtime will affect the motor and charging port. Best way is to...
The Magic Bullet Tall cups are microwave safe; however, all the other pieces of this blender are not and should never be placed in the microwave. Is the Magic Bullet dishwasher safe? Yes. All of the components of your Magic Bullet are dishwasher safe including the cups, blades, lids, lip...
Any Ultra Rapid Extractor Blades with a date code that is over 6 years old. Cosmetic changes to the color of the plastic blade housing that does not affect performance, such as discoloration.How to initiate a warranty claim for your Ultra Rapid Extractor Blade.You...
back into the blades where they are quickly pulverized. Proper filling, assembly and usage technique are necessary to achieve predictable textures when using a Magic Bullet. Make sure that you are using you Magic Bullet blender correctly to optimize its performance and reduce food preparation mishaps...
机刀片印章循环02 - 机械: 对象分为机; 旋转叶片印章循环(Machine_Blades_ChopLoop02 - Machinery: Object Falls Into Machine; Spinning Blades Chop Loop) 19000音效库 / 机械(Machinery) / 杂项(Misc) / 机器(Machine) / 叶片(Blades) / 印章循环(ChopLoop) 纸沙沙声3 - 纸沙沙声(Paper_Rustle3 - Pa...
cups,PartyMugs,orblendercontainerbeforeoperatingappliance. •DonotuseMagicBulletintherainorinwetconditions. •Donotuseoutdoorsifexposedtoinclementweatherelements. •Bladesaresharp.Handlecarefully. •Donotattempttodefeatthecoverinterlockmechanism. •Donotmodifythepluginanyway. •Checkgaskettomakesureitiscom...
The Magic Bullet holds about 18 fluid ounces (530 mL). Part 2 Operating the Magic Bullet Download Article 1 Place the lid with the correct blade tightly on the cup. Most Magic Bullets come with 2 blades. The first is the Cross Blade for mixing, grating, and puréeing most foods, ...