Magic level and Runes to be used. Casting any of the spells will give you a specific Magic XP in addition to more XP if it was a combat skill, depending on the damage you apply to the target. Standard Spellbook Standard Spellbook, Old School Runescape ...
Now all you have to do is attack something and you will start casting spells automatically. If you have auto cast on, and set your combat style to defensive, you will also receive Defence experience. 3.0 - The Runes There are many different types of runes in RuneScape, each one offering ...
In terms of healing the Sage falls off behind his fellow Healer jobs, but he makes up for it in nullifying damage for his party with barriers and having the most damaging spells among them. In a group the Sage can be a little complex at first glance. There are dungeons where all ...