Custom Option Images $20.00 Dependent Custom Options $50.00 Dependent Custom Options (gallery) $100.00 Dependent Custom Options (configurable) $75.00 Dependent Custom Options (bundle) $75.00 5 Item(s) Show per page View as: Grid List Sort by ...
如果使用Configurable Product,你就可以把这四个产品合成一个产品项,从而使您的客户通过选项保证找到他们喜欢的西装,同时使客户尽可能容易的浏览您的网店。一旦你已经 创建了四个Simple西装,您可以创建一个Configurable西装,并且把四个Simple西装关联到Configurable西装上。在你创建 Configurable西装的时候你不需要设置好颜色...
创建Configurable Product 从导航进入到CataLog->Manage products,点击Add Product。Attribute Set 选择Default,Product Type 选择Configurable Product,点击Continue。 选择具有全局属性的cm_color,点击Continue。 添加Configurable Product的基本属性,Name,Description,Short Description,SKU,Status,Visibility,Price等基本属性,点击S...
问题:在运行库存的多商店部署中,不能使用addConfigurableProductToCart GraphQL突变将可配置产品添加到非默认商店视图中的购物车。 (Luma店面不受影响。)应用程序显示此错误: Could not add item to cart. Please check required options and try again。 解决方法:请改用addProductsToCart突变。 GitHub-31660 社区贡...
$config_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId()); $productAttributeOptions = $config_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($config_product); 1. 2. 源于: ...
simple product有一个"custom options",可以建立不同属性(当然包括颜色),并可以对应不同的价格,但是这个功能并没有库存管理。所以可能不满足你的需求,只是提一下,怕你误会直接simple product就能满足你的需求。这里我觉得能满足你的需求的是:configurable product(可配置产品)。简单介绍一下这种产品类型...
options on the page. Previously, configurable products with drop-down attributes no longer trigger an exception when a product carousel is present on the product details page. Configurable product options were not selectable when other configurable products with swatch options were present on the ...
allowedProductsByOption[i] : options[i].products.slice(0); This code seems to assume that if a configurable product has a size of lets say S (0th element in the array of the 'options' variable) it should have a 0th element in allowedProductsByOption. However this is not the case, ...
Preconditions and environment On latest magento version, with sample data deployed. Steps to reproduce 1 Login into your account/ create a new account. 2 Visit a configurable product. (Or create one, simple configurable with at least 2 o...
$options = $attr['values']; foreach($options as $option) { print "{$option['store_label']}"; } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 更多参考: magento 获取产品存货量以及configurable product 下associated children product信息