This causes us to fall off over time, as fights tend to get longer and longer with every phase. At the same time, our Fire specialization becomes stronger during each phase thanks to its incredible scaling, which leads many to view Arcane as a “temporary” spec you play until you get ...
cooldown.item_cd_1141.remains)&((trinket.1.has_cooldown&trinket.1.cooldown.remains<variable.on_use_cutoff)+(trinket.2.has_cooldown&trinket.2.cooldown.remains<variable.on_use_cutoff)>1) spec:RegisterVariable( "item_cutoff_active", function () return ( variable.time_to_combustion < ...
Because most tanks lost our magic mitigation which was basically all phase 1 was about. And that’s my biggest point. Classes have changed a ton since Legion. That original experience can’t be recreated. So the original rewards shouldn’t make a return. Blastkrizzle: Regardless of how much...