Mages are amazing farmers in WoW Classic, as they can pull a huge amount of enemies and kill them all by themselves, without dying in the process. Spec into theAoE Grinding talent buildand learn about theAoE Grinding rotationbefore you attempt the farming methods suggested below! While describi...
do this you will require a specialized talent tree focused onImproved Blizzardand a lot of skill to consistently pull it off. It will also be required that you farm relatively uncontested spots, as otherwise you will not have enough enemies to pull in order to make the AoE Grinding worth ...
There was an artifact trait in Legion where Remorseless Winter would explode for AoE damage upon expiration, so timing Remorseless Winter correctly was a key factor in handling the shards. Even without that, however, you could still make it through by spamming Dark Succor procs and just using ...
Our atmosphere is primarily laid back for farm but serious during progression. We expect every member to have researched their class / spec / encounters etc. and make quick adjustments to ensure lower pull counts. We aim to get a cutting edge achievement each raid tier if it is attainable ...