Mridu Khullar is the editor-in-chief, a free online magazine forwriters. Sign up for the free weekly newsletter to get a complimentary e-bookwith 400+ paying markets. Also check out her e-book, “Knock Their Socks Off! AFreelance Writer’s Guide to Query Letters...
Fairfax is a publishing company that specializes in writers that deserve to be published but can't. Find info on ordering and submitting.
Bob:One of the main arguments, you may get from young writers coming up is that if I don’t write commercially or if I don’t concentrate on becoming professionally published and work at something that there’s already demand for; I’ll never be able to work Ray Bradbury:Well, that’s...
1.(abbreviationmag(mӕg)) a publication issued regularly containing articles, storiesetcby various writers.women's magazines;(also adjective) a magazine article.revista 2.a compartment in or on a gun that holds cartridges.tambor 3.a storeroom for ammunition, explosivesetc.polvorín ...
Finding writers for your magazines? Our journalists provide well written, engaging & thoroughly researched magazine articles. Contact us Now!
Fairfax is a publishing company that specializes in writers that deserve to be published but can't. Find info on ordering and submitting. also maintains a free database of magazines that pay freelance writers for articles. You can use Google to find magazines, websites, and other media outlets that hire freelance writers. Use the phrase “writer’s guidelines” and/or “submission guidelines” in ...
Writing for Children Writing SF & fantasy Writing romance Writing non-fiction Writing historical fiction Writing memoir Tips for writers Improving your writing Learn on the job New technology & the Internet Self-publishing - is it for you? Promoting your writing (& yourself) Other kinds of writing...
One mistakemany writersmake is they forget to wrap up in a clear way by asking for an assignment. They let the pitch simply peter out, and leave the editor wondering why the writer bothered. You can ask for the sale in a lot of ways: “I look forward to hearing what you think about...
Google Building the... Google Opening Up building the foundation to Diversify their workforce. Rainbow Coalition partnering up with google to educate small businesses on how to monetize their websites and web content. Opportunities for Organizations such as Urban Possibilities. ...