From the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: An Appeal for Human Dignity and Decency January 31, 2025/byvmbernard/in New Jersey Conference Youth Leaders Gather for Training January 30, 2025/byvmbernard/inNew Jersey Conference ...
founder of the Seventh-Day Adventists], in a public restroom–obviously where it belongs. Each stall contained its own copy, delicately balanced on the jumbo toilet paper dispenser. After a light perusal I realized what an anti-Catholic bombshell this was and ...
8.)We affirm and proclaim the seventh day Sabbath of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue as a memorial to Christ's having created the universe approximately 6,000 years ago in sixliteraldays. The Sabbath is God's emphatic "No!!" to the abomination of Darwinian evolutionism. Sunday sacred...
Who has not encountered Christadelphians, Seventh Day Adventists, Witnesses of Jehovah, and others like them, who pour out streams of Scripture texts without rhyme or reason, and who seem to make almost the whole of their religion consist in their ability to do so! It would, however, be ...
(Intern) at Seventh Day Adventist Hospital. I was called to the Casualty department (Emergency room) after midnight. The man was sweating profusely due to his discomfort. I relieved his bladder obstruction with a catheter which I passed through the urethra to drain the ...
We stopped by in nearby Battle Creek, the world headquarters for the Kellogg Co., looking for reminders of the famed Battle Creek Sanitarium, an early 20th-century health clinic based on vegetarian health principles promoted by the Seventh Day Adventist Church and John Kellogg. It was the focus...
A simple (and convenient) computation was used to argue that the papacy had first emerged in 538 (a date still used by anti-Catholic sects such as Seventh-Day Adventists). Millenarian beliefs have long been a part of American religious life. The explosion of prophetic interest in the late...
If we could devise a suitable hypodermic needle by which we could inject the zeal virus of the Christian Scientist, of the Seventh Day Adventist, to say nothing of Jehovah’s Witnesses, into our lay Catholics, we would win the unchurched multitude of Americans for Christ within a decade or...