FluMag-SELEX 是结合应用磁珠与 SELEX技术筛选荧光适配体的一种方法,该方法需要靶标量少且可通过荧光直观测定结合适配体的量。Kim 等应用FluMag-SELEX 技术筛选获得广谱抗炎性药物布洛芬的5条特异性适配体。其中三条是外消旋布洛芬的特异性适配体,另外两条能与外消旋和内消旋布洛芬特异性作用。布洛芬适配体的特异性...
免费查询更多flumag-selex 技术 磁珠详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
Mag-SELEXSpecificity and affinityChloramphenicol (CAP) has been widely used to treat bacterial infections in livestock and aquatic animals. To reduce the risk of CAP residues, an efficient technology to rapidly detect CAP residues in animal-sourced food is expressly needed. In this study, magnetic ...
The present study aimed to get the highly specific aptamer of ovPAG7 by real serum sample-assisted FluMag-SELEX. After eight rounds of SELEX, six aptamers for ovPAG7 with high binding capacity and lower dissociation constants (Kd) ranging from 9.8 nM to 32.4 nM were successfully selected. ...
李卫滨.筛选环孢霉素A适体的Bio Mag-SELEX方法的建立[D].福州:福建医科大学福总临床医学院,2006.李卫滨.筛选环孢霉素A适体的Bio Mag-SELEX方法的建立.2006李卫滨. 筛选环孢霉素A适体的Bio Mag-SELEX方法的建立[D]. 福建医科大学 2006李卫滨.筛选环孢霉素A适体的BioMag-SELEX方法的建立[D].福州:福...
SELEXstreptavidinmagnetic beadsLIGANDSRNAPURIFICATIONEVOLUTIONNo AbstractStoltenburg, R.Reinemann, C.Strehlitz, B.ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYR. Stoltenburg,C. Reinemann,B. Strehlitz.  FluMag-SELEX as an advantageous method for DNA aptamer selection[J]. Analytical and Bioanalytical ...
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