There are a couple of isolated instances in Yakuza's history, however, when a newly-widowed one-san has taken control of the gang for a short period in the absence of an immediate successor. Each Yakuza outfit had an oyabun or `father' at its head, who ruled over the wakashu, his `...
called Five Families. The Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese families, and the Chicago Outfit - overseen by a body known as the Commission - were just as likely to cooperate with one another as they were to feud, creating a tension and danger for m...
The Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese families, and the Chicago Outfit - overseen by a body known as the Commission - were just as likely to cooperate with one another as they were to feud, creating a tension and danger for members and their famil...
Willis had already made plans for dealing with the government. During the next week he made a number of calls to Tennessee, pestering Jamie Holland and John Ruppel to repay the money he had spent to outfit the Agnes Pauline. It was the tapes Butler made of these conversations that provided...
Whatareyoudoingwiththisoutfit,Angus? 嗯这似乎是某种 Well,itseemstobesomesortofajob 必须在古巴完成的工作以使古巴摆脱共hearts;产hearts;主义 thathastobedoneinCubatoridCubaofcommunism. 不仅仅是一个流亡团体 Itsnotjustoneexilegroup. 在那段时间里戴德县治安官统计到了 ...
With 5 top-rate tunes already under their belt one can only assume that there’s loads more to come from the Las Vegas/London based outfit. A full length album for this spring has been touted with a tour to follow. Here’s hoping. Oh, and did I mention that 2 ofThe Killers, (Mark...
totheChicagoOutfit 并开始为萨姆·吉安卡纳工作 andstartedworkingwithSamGiancana. 罗塞利是个很有魅力的人 Roselliwasaguywhohadcharm. 这就是他从众多 Thatswhatseparatedhim 在禁酒令时期起步的非法分子中 fromalotoftheotherguyswhogottheirstart 脱颖而出的原因 inillegalboozeduringProhibition. 他自认为是好莱坞...
called Five Families. The Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese families, and the Chicago Outfit - overseen by a body known as the Commission - were just as likely to cooperate with one another as they were to feud, creating a tension and danger for m...
called Five Families. The Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese families, and the Chicago Outfit - overseen by a body known as the Commission - were just as likely to cooperate with one another as they were to feud, creating a tension and danger for m...