Transportation Services Learn how Maersk offers small and large businesses the opportunity to grow. Supply Chain and Logistics We focus on solving your supply chain needs from end to end, taking the complexity out of container shipping for you. ...
【参考译文】SeaLand(品牌名为“Sealand – A Maersk Company”)是一家美国地区性海运和物流运营商。自1999年起,它一直是A.P.穆勒-马士基集团的一部分。[60][61][62]Sealand品牌于2009年逐渐退出市场,[63]但于2014年以独立品牌的身份重新推出。[64]在专注于北美、中美洲和南美洲之间的多式联运服务后,2018年...
Maersk has launched the world’s first containership that can sail on green methanol. The 2100 TEU capacity vessel was successfully launched at the Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. The feeder vessel is 172 meters long and will sail in the network of Sealand Europe, a Maersk subsidiary, on the Baltic ...
Maersk Line to Bring SeaLand Back Owned by Costamare, the M/V Sealand Michigan is a 2000-built, 6,648 teu containership on an 11-year charter to A.P. Moller-Maersk. Maersk Line announced today the revival of the SeaLand brand with formation of a new US-headquartered, intra-Americas cont...
Ocean transportation company Maersk Line, a unit of the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group, announced today the formation of a regional, containerized shipping company – SeaLand - dedicated to the intra-Americas market. The new affiliate will have a structure similar to Maersk's other regional carriers ...
Reports that the container ship company, Maersk Sealand can finally start building its New York and New Jersey freight hub after the two states have settled a long dispute. How Maersk Sealand views the facility; Background on the dispute; Involvement of the Port Authority in the project.Wall ...
1974,theworld'slargestshipwasbuiltwithadeadweight capacityof330thousandtons.In1995,weagreedtocooperate withtheSEALANDcompanyoftheUnitedstates.In1996,the world'slargestcontainershipwasbuiltin6000TEU.In1997, 6600TEU'sworld'slargestcontainershipwasputintouse.In 1999,formallymergedwithSEALAND,namedMAERSKSEALAND. ...
“Mumbai Maersk”轮部署在马士基AE5服务航线上,事发时正在执行150W航次,涉及ALIANÇA、HAMBURG SÜD、HAPAG-LLOYD、MAERSK、MCC、SEAGO、SEALAND多家船公司共舱。 该船从亚洲出发,曾挂靠大连港、天津新港、宁波港和上海港,事发时正在卸货途中,因此原定运往不莱梅港的货物仍在船上,同时还有运往北欧瑞典的哥德堡港...
tons. In 1995, we agreed to cooperate with the SEALAND company of the United states. In 1996, the world's largest container ship was built in 6000TEU. In 1997, 6600TEU's world's largest container ship was put into use. In 1999, formally merged with SEALAND, named MAERSK SEALAND....
根据大船期数据显示,该轮服务于马士基的AE1航线,事发前曾挂靠国内的上海、宁波、厦门等港口;除了MAERSK,共舱的船公司还有ALIANÇA、HAMBURG SÜD、HAPAG-LLOYD、MCC、SAFMARINE、SEAGO、SEALAND。本该28日抵达费力斯托港的该轮预计将于30日到达,船期已延误!近期有货物配载在该船的货代货主要注意了,及时关注船公司...