evolutionferngymnospermMADS-box geneEvolutionary developmental genetics (evodevotics) is a novel scientific endeavor which assumes that changes in developmental control genes are a major aspect of evolutionary changes in morphology. Understanding the phylogeny of developmental control genes may thus help us...
就单条染色体而言, A9染色体上分布22个MADS-box © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 高虎虎等: 甘蓝型油菜MADS-box基因家族的鉴定与系统进化分析 703 图2 甘蓝型油菜MADS-box基因在染色体上的分布 Figure 2 Chromosomal location of MADS-box genes in Brassica napus © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of ...
Two ancient classes of MIKC-type MADS-box genes are present in the moss Physcomitrella patens[J]. Mol Biol Evol, 2002, 19(6): 801-814. [8]Kaufmann K, Melzer R, Theissen G. MIKC-type MADS-domain proteins: structural modularity, protein interactions and network evolution in land plants[...
2024年6月21日,国际植物学期刊Frontiers in Plant Science在线发表了题为“Dynamic evolution of MADS-box genes in extant ferns via large-scale phylogenomic analysis”的研究论文。本研究基于大规模的蕨类植物转录组和基因组数据,首次对71种蕨类植物中MADS-box基因家族进行全面系统地鉴定和进化分析,共获得2512个蕨类...
Molecular evolution of flower development: diversification of the plant MADS-box regulatory gene family. The shared evolutionary history of members of a gene group appear to reflect the distinct functional roles these MADS-box genes play in flower development... MD Purugganan,SD Rounsley,RJ Schmid...
The function of MADS-box genes in flower and fruit development has been uncovered at a rapid pace over the past decade. Evolutionary biologists can now analyse the expression pattern of MADS-box genes during the development of different plant species, an
The dosage of MADS-box genes plays a pi- votal role in the evolution of flowering behavior, as the phe- notypes of diverse perennial flowering plants observed may be attributed to differential expression levels of MADS- box genes in Brassicaceae. 机理: 从十字花科须弥芥属(Crucihimalaya)和糖芥...
The major clades of MADS-box genes and their role in the development and evolution of flowering plants. Mol Phylogenet Evol,2003,29( 3) : 464-489. [13] Pimentel P,Salvatierra A,Moya-León MA,et al. Isolation of genes differentially expressed during development and ripening of Fragar- ia ...
植物生理学通讯 第36卷第3期,2000年6月 277 植物MADS盒基因的功能和调节机理1 蔡小钿 王金发2(中山大学生命科学学院,广州510275) Function and Mechanism of MADS-box Gene in Plant CAI Xiao-Tian, WANG Jin-Fa (School of Life Science, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275) 提要 植物中的MADS盒基因是...
蒺藜苜蓿的MADSbox基因家族 成员之间存在大量的基因重复,特别是 I型MADS-box基因,通过基因复制,MADS-box基因家族在染色体上形成 多个密集的MADS-box基因簇 。对蒺藜苜蓿的RNA—seq表达谱数据分析 ,发现 MADS-box基 因在心皮组织、花器 官等组织 中表达量较高,这表 明蒺藜苜蓿的MADS-box基 因家族广泛地参与苜蓿...