K ey w ords :MADS 2box protein ;Dual structure and function ;Blooming regulation ;N odule formation 长期以来,植物花发育的分子机理一直是植物分子生物学研究的热点,近年来相关研究已经取得了令人瞩目的进展。植物花的发育是环境信号与植物内在的遗传机制共同作用的结果,研究表明,多种相互作用的基因构成一个...
Key words: rice; MADS-box family; growth and development; adverse stress; gene function 转录因子在植物生长发育与逆境应答中发挥了 重要的功能,一直是作物领域研究的热点.MADS- box 家族作为一类在生物中广泛存在的转录因子,主 要参与生长发育,次生代谢调控,激素信号转导, 以及生物和非生物胁迫响应等过程[1]...
The MADS-box family of transcription factors has been defined on the basis of primary sequence similarity amongst numerous proteins from a diverse range of eukaryotic organisms including yeasts, plants, insects, amphibians and mammals. The MADS-box is a conserved motif found within the DNA-binding ...
)摘 要:M I K C 是MA D S -b o x 蛋白家族中一类保守的转录因子家族,参与调控植物的开花时间和花器官发育㊂通过对黑麦M I K C 基因家族的分析,为研究黑麦各时期组织器官的功能奠定基础㊂利用P F a m 和B L A S T P 两种方法确定黑麦M I K C 家族共47个蛋白序列,将以上蛋白序列利用T B t...
box family gene,the genome-wide of beet MADS-box geneswere first identified by bioinformatics,and chromosomal localization,phylogenetic relationship,gene structure,conserveddomain,expression pattern and proteins function connections were predicted and analyzed. The results showed that therewere 34 MADS-box ...
Protein-protein interactionsPlant developmentFunctional edundancyTranscription factors are key regulators of plant development. One of the major groups of transcription factors is the MADS-box family, of which at least 80 members are encoded in the Arabidopsis genome. In this study, 23 members of ...
“We exploited a hidden Markov model that produces a profile out of a multiple sequence alignment. A profile for MADS-box proteins was built to screen the Arabidopis genome to identify new members of this family. Only hits with a E value of <1 were considered to be members of the family...
番茄MADS-box基因SlFBP24功能研究 番茄MADS-box基因SlFBP24功能研究 重庆大学硕士学位论文 (学术学位)学生姓名:*** 指导教师:胡宗利教授 专业:生物学 学科门类:理学 重庆大学生物工程学院 二O一八年四月
1 Tertiary structure of MADS-box gene family in A. sinensis 3.3 当归 MADS-box 基因家族发育树构建 通过对 29 个当归 MADS-box 基因家族蛋白质, 61 个拟南芥和 55 个黄胡萝卜 MADS-box 蛋白质进 行系统进化树构建,基于蛋白质序列相似性,145 个 MADS-box 蛋白质分为 10 个亚家族,可分为 I 型和 ...
box基因多于C基因组.在基因结 构上, MIKC-type亚家族基因序列普遍比M-type长且含有较多的外显子; M-type亚家族蛋白序列中的motif数量为2–5个, MIKC-type亚家族蛋白序列中平均含有7个motif.拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)与甘蓝型油菜MADS-box基因共线性分析结 果显示, 全基因组复制事件对MADS-box基因家族尤其...