perfume and eye-liner were essentials. Western visitors remarked on the great beauty of the women of Constantinople and thought their make-up was unnecessary. Fashions changed all the time - styles came from abroad, especially the east. Great beauties were often ...
Expensive perfumes clashed with the heavy fragrance of open-throated Madonna lilies. El aroma de caros perfumes venía a mezclarse con la intensa fragancia de las lilas que adornaban el altar. Literature She liked that my name was Lilly, because she was a very Catholic woman, and grew...
Are you bringing out any more fragrances /perfumes? I have Truth or Dare but is there another called Naked as I cant seem to find it in any retailer's in the UK :( ??dont get me started on that tired ass subjectIs your publicist or an intern typing everything for you? Be honest....