Madonna and Childclick to see full size imageMadonna and Child Author : TINO DA CAMAINODate :1321Technique :MarbleType :religiousForm :sculptureLocation :Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence AdvertisementsWith departure papal court Avignon Rome ceased be important centre art patronage Its place ...
Madonna And Child by Tim Nyberg: This Madonna And Child Fine Art Print and related works can be found at
Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin的作品「Madonna and Child」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1923,图片尺寸:830x1000px,风格:象征主义,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」
Madonna and Child by Sandro Botticelli in ultra-high definition. Date: 1470. Location: National Gallery of Art, Washington.
The article offers information on the cover art for the December 21, 2005 issue of "The Journal of the American Medical Association," titled "Madonna and Child," by Duccio di Buoninsegna. This piece of art was misattributed by biographer Giorgio Vasari in the "Lives of the Most Excellent ...
萨诺·迪·皮特罗 圣母子 Madonna and Child 纽约大都会艺术博物馆 With their faces gently pressed together, the interaction between the Virgin and Christ Child evokes a tender intimacy. This motif appears in numerous works by Sano di Pietro and his workshop (for example, in another painting in th...
洛伦佐·洛图(Lorenzo Lotto)高清作品《Madonna and Child with Sts Peter, Christine, Liberale, and J》 作品名:Madonna and Child with Sts Peter, Christine, Liberale, and J 艺术家:洛伦佐·洛图 年代:意大利1505; 风格:盛期文艺复兴 类型:宗教绘画 介质:油画,木质 标签:基督教、圣徒和使徒、圣母和圣子、...
贝诺佐·哥佐利(Benozzo Gozzoli)高清作品《Madonna and Child Enthroned Among St. Benedict, St. Scholast》 作品名:Madonna and Child Enthroned Among St. Benedict, St. Scholast 艺术家:贝诺佐·哥佐利 年代:c.1490 风格:早期文艺复兴 类型:宗教绘画 介质:面板,彩画 标签:基督教,圣徒和使徒,童贞子和...
Madonna, in Christian art, depiction of the Virgin Mary; the term is usually restricted to those representations that are devotional rather than narrative and that show her in a nonhistorical context and emphasize later doctrinal or sentimental significa
Quote from the description of the painting at the website of The National Gallery of Art in Washington. “Painted during the latter part of Giotto’s career, the Madonna and Child was the central part of a five-section polyptych, or altarpiece in many panels. Giotto utilized a conservative...