"And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47).Our Mission The mission of the Madison church of Christ is to glorify God by following the teachings and example of Jesus, offering Him genuine and pure worship, and making disciples of all nations. Learn...
St. Joseph Church Gluckstadt, Mississippi We are a pilgrim people that, as a Eucharistic community, desire to proclaim God’s Kingdom through worship, prayer, formation, service and fellowship. We will endeavor to live in such a way that proclaims the Kingdom of God and the Good News of...
By George Spencer – On Wisconsin magazine – Odysseus overcame many obstacles during his 10-year voyage home. The hero of Homer’s ancient epic The Odyssey might have a modern-day counterpart — computer scientist Brent Seales MS’88, PhD’91. A professor at the University of Kentucky–Lexing...
First Church of Christ, Scientist 610 S. Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711 At Segoe & Tokay bus stop / 2 blocks from West Transfer Point For inquiries call (608) 276-8001 Service Times Sunday Services / Sunday School 10 AM Wednesday Meetings 7:30 PM ...
of Ms. Williams, the under-recognized but highly influential jazz pianist-composer-bandleader-educator whose career spanned nearly the entire history of jazz in the 20th century, and who Duke Ellington described as “Perpetually Contemporary.” Fabu’s program will open for a concert by ...