One block fromJohnson Public House,Cork and Bottle Liquor,Matcha Tea Company,Salvatore’s Tomato Pies, and more Two blocks from James Madison Park, eight blocks to the capitol square Two blocks toBreese Stevens Field Three blocks toFestival Foods grocery store ...
Schedule a happy hour With bars closed and liquor stores open, many people are sharing theimpromptu happy hoursthey’ve been scheduling with their neighbors. They make their own drinks and socialize at a distance since cocktails don’t require close-quarters contact to work their magic. Make and...
She sees a lonely, frustrated woman in a tattered bathrobe anxious to open a bottle of liquor. Deflated, she returns the brandy to the cupboard and exits. EXT. BACK PORCH - NIGHT Francesca sits on the porch with a book in her lap, gazing out over the pasture. Its a hot night. She ...