MadisonChockEvanBates超话,阅读数:451.2万、帖子数:698、粉丝数:600,生涯成绩(未完待续): 1. 冬奥会:2014年索契第八名,2018年平昌第九名。 2. 世锦赛:2013年第七名,2014年第五名,2015年亚军,2016年季军,2017年第七名,2018年第五名,2019年第六名。 3. 总决
Many of their Beijing teammates have already moved on from competing in figure skating, and with gold medals in hand it’d be easy to understand if they also moved on, but for Chock and Bates, being a pair on-and-off the ice is what allows them to keep going. “If we had ...
置顶 MadisonChockEvanBates超话2024.6.20 礼成《人物》报道,6月20日,夏威夷the Queen Kapiolani酒店,Madi和Evan正式举办婚礼。夏威夷是Madi和父母出生成长的故乡,因此他们选择了“热带”作为婚礼主题,将交换花环和特色音乐等夏威夷传统文化融入到婚礼当中。Madi:花环代表团结。在婚姻关系中,我们作为个体走到了一起,共同...
麦迪逊•乔克/埃文•贝茨(Madison Chock/Evan Bates): 当生活与滑冰无缝融合 I.新赛季的突破 2018-19赛季冰舞赛场上饱受好评的埃及蛇舞创作于一个没有镜子和冰靴的房间。按照埃文•贝茨的说法,整个房间里只有他、女伴、喜欢的音乐和编舞萨姆•舒纳(Sam Chouinard)。这位基础扎实、多才多艺的编舞听完了音乐—...
As veteran Americanice dancersMadison ChockandEvan Batestook to the ice at October’s Skate America in Allen, Texas, the in-arena announcer read off a newly minted line in their extensive bio: Olympic gold medallists. It was the first time Chock and Bates had skated since receiving their ...
In one oftheir final scenestogether in the Olympic Channel original seriesOn Edge,ice dancersMadison ChockandEvan Batesdiscuss their pending trip to the Olympics forBeijing 2022. They also chat about what size of Christmas tree they want to get for their Montreal apartment. ...
【冰舞真船剪辑】Madison Chock & Evan Bates共计3条视频,包括:1、2、3等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Chock, Bates tie record with 6th ice dance titleJanuary 25, 2025 04:57 PMMadison Chock and Evan Bates totaled 223.52 points to win their sixth ice dance title at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, tying Meryl Davis and Charlie White in the process for the most all time....
Free Dance:“Around Midnight” by Miles Davis, “Take Five” by Dave Brubeck and “Take Five” by Juju 2023- 2024 Season Rhythm Dance:“Another One Bites the Dust,”“Who Wants to Live Forever” and “I Want It All” by Queen