Tyler Perry's Boo! A Madea Halloween is a 2016 horror-comedy film and is the ninth film in the Madea series. Directed, written, produced, and starring Tyler Perry, the film follows Madea, played by Perry himself, as she battles supernatural forces on Halloween night. The story begins with...
Word of warning – never order a sandwich in Southeast Asia. Kevin got the “Club Sandwich” for breakfast, and it was pureed meat with a ton of mayo on white bread. BOO. Ta Prohm: The One Being Eaten by Trees Ta Prohm is the temple where part of Tomb Raider was filmed. Here we...
Word of warning – never order a sandwich in Southeast Asia. Kevin got the “Club Sandwich” for breakfast, and it was pureed meat with a ton of mayo on white bread. BOO. Ta Prohm: The One Being Eaten by Trees Ta Prohm is the temple where part of Tomb Raider was filmed. Here we...