The parser uses conditional random fields to label components based on (1) features of the component string and (2) the order of labels.When is a probabilistic parser useful?A probabilistic parser is particularly useful for sets of strings that may have common structure/patterns, but which ...
Mwup Walls Mwupi Bhop 3000p Vy GrGr GoGo LaLa Lad20 Tri3 Quad4 Pent5 Hex6 Sept7 Oct8 Enn9 Nil0 Per/Fpn Ubtqp Ye-On/Head Ele men ts googol BbBSM Iwmy Tdhd Ones Tens Hunds Thous Tthou Ohtho Mills Saint BSMie Tmill Ohmil Bills Tbill Ohbil KulPr Cny Gafl PnuPnuPnu LrBSM...
Related to made up for: make up formake (māk) v. made (mād), mak·ing, makes 1. To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create: made problems for us; making a commotion. 2. To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct: make ...
When we made the Obamium page, it ended up getting featured in one of the Obamium memes? Mumbaia has tons of stable isotopes, even though it has such a high atomic number? Elements such as Enneaneganeutronium, known as "polyrotalies", can loop past infinity and big omega, into the neg...
The Simpsons has used and coined many neologisms for humorous effect, many of which are only used once. The most famous example is Homer Simpson's signature annoyed grunt, "D'oh!". Few of the following made-up words would qualify as neologisms from a str
accuracy and performance. For example, because the BETADIST function was inaccurate, a new algorithm has been implemented to improve the accuracy of this function. The MOD function now uses new algorithms to achieve both accuracy and speed, and the RAND function now uses a n...
Home section: In Articles widgets, fixed an issue that could prevent the Random sort from being working. #BUG FIX #ANDROID Home section: Fixed an issue that could cause the widgets header to be displayed incorrectly using a 'Right-to-Left' language. #BUG FIX #IOS Home section: In News...
I Always laugh when he gets random Boners, yet I almost always tear up when he cries, because he doesn't wana lose his only Friends. Reg's a real homie and I hope he survives till the end and gets a happy ending. Cowapult·11/28/2021 Are we reading the same series? This is...
Husky improves your commits and more 🐶woof! Note 🌬️ Using React? I've just released a new and innovative styling solution for componentsMistCSS. Features Just2 kB(📦gzipped) with no dependencies Fastest due to being lightweight (runs in~1ms) ...
2. to be booked up 2.1. [hotel, restaurant, flight] we are booked up all summer→ no tenemos nada libre en todo el verano, lo tenemos todo reservado para todo el veranothe hotel is booked up→ el hotel está completo, todas las habitaciones del hotel están reservadasall the flights...