The dictionary says stories about things like AI and social media drove people to look up the word, which it defines as: "not false or imitation" and "true to one's own personality, spirit, or character" and a synonym of "real" and "actual." Deepfakes –...
Dolph: Hah! Some ice cream guy's going to see that, and it'll blow his mind. Bart: Let me try. [He tries to form condensation on the glass by breathing, but it fails.] Jimbo: Way to breathe, no-breath.No-goodnikSomeone who is up to no good. Apu used this term to refer to...
ventris: bellyCon-: with, togetherCircum: aroundLaconia: pity, concise, economical in the use of world almost to the point of curtnessCogo: to deliver together, compel, forceLoquor: to speakEx: outMagnus: largeGrandis: grandVerbum: wordVolvo, volutas: to rollGarrio: to chatterAnimus: min...
A man who spends most of his time worrying about his health, counting his money, plotting revenge, or washing his hands, can hope for little emotional growth.” Neurotic (n r-OT′-ik) is both the adjective form and the term for a person suffering from neurosis. 4. the mind A ...
Level 6 France's restaurants must have 'home-made food' logo – 18th July, 2014 More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2014 25 ANSWERS TRUE / FALSE (p.4) aF bT cF dT SYNONYM MATCH (p.4) 1. logo 2 inform 3. come up with 4. compulsory 5. ...
Importance of the first moment: boutique set up, sales associate’s body language… Who is the client? Why is he/she here? What is his/her motivation?A brand shouldn’t be intrusive. To encounter a new client is a delicate recipe....
Making up your own mind should (in theory at least) be the easiest after all, there's only one person involved! So we'll skip onto the more challenging area of group decision making. Somehow. out of the personality clashes,power struggles and hidden agendas, a perfect solution is expected...
Synonym 的形容词是synonymous.类似的: Antonym ___ Homonym___ Homophone___ paternity 意思是父道,父系来源形容词是paternal Paternalism 是一种统治哲学和思想体系 Paternalistic patriarch 意为一个可崇敬的慈父般的长者,一个上了年纪而德高望众的领导人 希腊词根archein(to rule) 形容词是patriarchal 其统治制度...
For example, Zig Ziglar, a seminarist extraordinaire, will tell his audiences, “There’s no immunity to the disease of self-doubt. It’s always in there, waiting to flare up again!” Therein lies the beauty of it all, from the guru’s point of view. If SHAM doesn’t transform your...