it visibly grieved him when the rest of us made sport of our schoolmates Tobias Wolffmake the grade : to measure up to some standard : be successful clever and energetic enough to make the grade in a good law firm John Train make the most of ...
Made up. (a) Complete; perfect. ``A made up villain.' --Shak. (b) Falsely devised; fabricated; as, a made up story. (c) Artificial; as, a made up figure or complexion. Meaning of Made up from wikipedia - cycle of the upcoming seasons, bringing the show's overall episode total ...
The meaning of MAKE OUT is to complete (something, such as a printed form) by supplying required information. How to use make out in a sentence.
Homesick is a compound (复合的) word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each means on its own, of course. But do you know the meaning they are used together? The definition (定义) of homesick is SICK FOR HOME. It means y
例えば、「I tried to fix my car, but up making it worse.」(車を修理しようとしたけど、...
【题目】阅读理解Some English words are made up of thesame pad and have different beginnings anddifferent endings, such as import and export,report and transport. All these words, you cansee, have the same "port", which comes fromthe latin word, meaning "to carry" or "to move" from one...
2. To be practical or advisable: It makes sense to go now. make something of To start a fight or quarrel over. make the grade To measure up to a given standard. make the most of To use to the greatest advantage. make the scene Slang 1. To put in an appearance: made the scene...
2. To be practical or advisable: It makes sense to go now. make something of To start a fight or quarrel over. make the grade To measure up to a given standard. make the most of To use to the greatest advantage. make the scene Slang 1. To put in an appearance: made the scene...
regulation which requires clothing in contact with skin to contain at least 6 percent of cotton. Underwear not meeting the requirement was not to be sold in stores. But most luxury lace undergarments have less than 4 percent cotton in them, meaning that the regulation is practically banning it...
I so loved the fierce bodily contact of football that I suppose my enthusiasm made up somewhat for my lack of size. FromThe Daily Beast But the leaves and branches – the canopy it effectively creates -- is made up of solar panels. ...