Made In USAUSA [简明英汉词典]abbr.美国(美利坚合众国)usa [英汉地质大词典] n.紫外光谱分析 USA [航空英语缩写词典]United States Of America 美利坚合众国U.S.AIR 美国航空公司American [简明英汉词典]这个是形容词n.美国人, 美洲人adj.美国的, 美洲的American [英汉航空大词典] n.美国的,美国人的 America...
Check the tonnage chart before Bending. The tonnage chart is always specified in the tool catalog, and is also displayed on the machine as a nameplate where it is easy to see. Basically, you can read the conditions other than pressure in the chart below. Knowing ...
One such biosensor made in the Czech Republic is the Detehit, which is based on a cholinesterase reaction that is assessed using a colour indicator—the Ellman's reagent—which is anchored on cellulose filter paper together with the substrate. With the use of this biosensor, detection is ...
This can be seen as an advantage in the fashion industry where complex geometries can be added to textile fabrics, while changing fabric drape and product personalization and adding functionalities for garments and technical textiles. Keywords: 3D geometries; textile fabric; 3D printer; algorithm; ...
In a woven fabric, crimps exist in both warp and weft yarns due to interlacement. When the fabric is extended in one direction, the yarns in the loading direction are straightened and their crimp reduces until it reaches zero. The straightened yarns conversely introduce more crimp to the ...