Phone number(s)If these changes were made in error, or if you believe an unauthorized person accessed your account, please reset your account password immediately by going to review and update your security settings, sign in to is an automated ...
1.Produced or manufactured by constructing, shaping, or forming. Often used in combination:handmade lace; ready-made suits. 2.Produced or created artificially:bought some made goods at the crafts fair. 3.Having been invented; contrived:These made excuses of yours aren't plausible. ...
In a way, I'm glad youmadethat mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. 在某种程度上说, 你犯那个错误我 倒 感到高兴, 因为它可以对你敲警钟. 《简明英汉词典》 You gave me the wrong address andmademe go all that way for nothing. ...
2. Marketing activities: If you win a prize in a lottery or coupon collection activity, the winner's name, phone number, receiving address, and nickname must also be provided, so that we can contact you when distributing the prize, but we will release the information on the winner in an...
phone-number-blur - (emit when phone number input is blur) input AsYouType value (emit when new value is enter on phone number input && when a country is choosed) update All values (cf values in table on demo) (emit when new value is enter on phone number input && when a country...
When someone calls either one of us the number shows under Recent calls each phone. Is there a way to eliminate that problem to show which recents are our own? 4 years ago 906 5 Why when making outgoing call name appears on screen but was said not to be in contacts? Why when ...
My id was opened in I phone 6 (64GB). Further information, i will provide you as per requirement. like. cnic number, my original DOB. [Edited by Moderator] 9 months ago 87 1 I forgot my Apple ID but I have my number which is registered with that id I forgot my Apple ID but...
S23 S24 Ultra i15 i14 i13 13 14 15 7.0 Inch Drop Screen Cheap Smart Phones Made In China Smartphone Cellphone Mobile Cell Phone 5.0(3 Reviews)3 sold Huizhou Xini Technology Co., Ltd.1 yrCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideKey attributes Industry-specific attributes brand ...
Pay all utility bills in one app: • electricity (IESCO, PEPCO, KESC, etc.) • gas (SNGPL, SSGC) • telephone (PTCL, SCO) • internet (Nayatel, Wi-Tribe, Wateen) • water (CDA, WSSP, etc.) • government fees (e-Challan, FBR - Mobile Phone Tax, etc.) ...