Made in Italy since 2003, this brand is known for its high-end fashion jewelry, which is hand-polished, gold-plated, and made even more unique by Florentine epoxy enamel. [; Booth: 5461] Save My Bag Cruelty-free bags that are fashion forward? Say no more—celebrit...
Made in Italy Jacket realized with 100% wool fabric Request Info Made in Italy Bag made in Italy Business Bag Request Info Made in Italy Sneakers Made in Italy Sneakers and belt Request Info Cadini Power of presence Cadini Power of presence ...
Horm Casamania: passion for beauty and quality, hallmarks of the Italian brand Horm Casamania is one of the Italian luxury brands that stands out for the passion for beauty and quality that it conveys in every piece of furniture. With its completely Made in Italy manufacture, Horm Casamania fur...
根据意大利食品行业协会(Federalimentare)的说法,国外生产的意式食品年销量能达到 600 亿欧元,这枚保证“Made in Italy”的星星标志至少能让意大利出口商们抢回一些市场份额。全球咨询公司 Brand Finance 也估计这个决策能让意大利的中小型食品企业价值增加 5%。但现在有一部分人坚持“Made in Italy”意味着除了制作...
Brand Finance 意大利常务董事 Massimo Pizzo 表示:“意大利食品在食品行业中有较高的知名度,但许多意大利国内公司在国外并不知名。Made in Italy 项目肯定会使这些公司获益。” 但是,意大利食品工业联合会的成员不能就“意大利制造”的定义达成共识。一些人持强硬态度,坚持认为产品的所有原材料都要产于意大利,全部在意...
Made in Italy brandChinaSME'sdesign strategiesNowadays, the world-wide globalization process has brought a new economic and production scene and a different economic geography. The progressive liberalization and deregulation of markets, together with the ICT development have led to the birth of a New...
Lusso, cibo di qualità, supercar e innovazione: sono questi, secondo la classifica BrandZ, i settori in cui si esprime al meglio il Made in Italy. Gucci凭借其244亿美元的商业价值(相较去年增长了百分之五十)在BrandZ...
“When your own initials are enough”. This slogan from Bottega Veneta advertisements in the Seventies encapsulates the philosophy underpinning this Italian company which has changed from a little-known manufacturing company to a worldwide ambassador of the made in Italy brand, famous for its signatur...
as many household names appreciate Canali’s classical taste and timeless elegance, from actors to politicians and celebrities. The Italian family business is one of the best ambassadors of the made-in- Italy brand, a standard-bearer of the quality and style that distinguishes Italian fashion on ...
"The 'Made in Italy' brand has value in China," Guerini told Xinhua. "Chinese consumers are increasingly interested in high-end products and the 'Made in Italy' tag on a product is a signal that something is of a certain level." Boselli agreed: "The two main keys for success not onl...