就在Triple S热卖之时,有一名Reddit网友在社交媒体平台上发帖称,他购买的Triple S的出产地并非原有的Made in Italy,而是写着Made in China,且鞋子上的部分接口不整齐。随后他与品牌客服部门求证,官方回应称负责Triple S的制造商已从意大利搬到中国,因为中国的厂家有能力生产更轻量的鞋子。而鞋履的售价仍是850美金。
美国小哥@u/externaldrip的同事最近网购了一把椅子。像现在世面上许多产品一样,这把椅子也是made in China。 但椅子到手后,同事被椅子上面三个神秘的符号吸引,左看右看就是看不明白。因为知道小哥懂一点点中文,于是同事赶紧向小哥求助问问他这是什么汉字?或者这是中文里的什么符号? 小哥信心满满的答应了,可是看完...
The population of Miamians born in China is relatively thin, but there are some faint pockets here and there. Notable is that relatively dense cluster of Chinese in the City of Miami’s historic Shanandoah neighborhood, as well as the City of North Miami Beach and Aventura areas. Chinese se...
Made in China 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 《中国女工》,这本最初用英语写作的工人生活纪实在2011年春被翻译成中文并在大陆公开出版,这一事实本身就暗示着不少东西。毕竟,很多书还不能在大陆公开出版,而且它们还不必经过翻译这道工序。 对于了解管理学思想史或资本主义发展史的读者来说,书中所描写的事情似乎有...
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In Liu Cixin's speech accepting a Galaxy award for Wandering Earth in 2001, recently translated on Reddit, he said: 刘慈欣2001年因《流浪地球》接受银河奖时的演讲,最近被翻译在红迪网上,他说: "Contemporary sci-fi literature itself in the US is already deep in twilight -- full of works applying...
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Made in China 2015 is the first comprehensive showcase and B2B & B2G trading platform for high-end Chinese products and solutions in field of construction science & technology, geared to the entire Middle East region and all African countries. Considering Qatar is identified as the transportation ...