[...]rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (A) of this Bye-Law shall notbemadeavailableormadetoany members with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities the circulatio...
To delete "China had stolen" after"madeunsubstantiated accusations that" and substitute with "Hong Kong had been used to steal and transfer"; to delete "; these accusations involve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and have" and substitute with ", which may"; to delete "aff...
To delete "China had stolen" after "made unsubstantiated accusations that" and substitute with "Hong Kong had been used to steal and transfer"; to delete "; these accusations involve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and have" and substitute with ", which may"; to delete ... [...] that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (1) of this Bye-lawshall not be madeavailable or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any territory where, ... Wherever in these Bye-lawsreference is madetothe Seal,thereference shall,when and so far as may be applicable, be [...] 若 本細則提及印章,則該提述(如適用)應視為包括上述的任何其他印章。 They live in extended families and their houses, made of bamboo and wood, are traditionally shaped like ships. 他们生 活在几代同堂的大家庭中,用竹子和 木料 建造传统的船形房屋。 Nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as im...